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Katie cursed under her breath. She was too familiar with Eidolons for her own liking, she didn't need them here.


"Yes. They're part of Greek Mythology, but I don't know what they're doing in your head, Harry. I don't even know if they're real. They are myths, after all."

"If only Hermione knew," Katie thought.

However, she wondered what they were doing in Harry's head. As far as she could remember from the stories the Seven told camp, Gaia only released three. Those three were then banished by Piper from possessing anyone on the Argo II and...

Katie cursed again. Piper only banished them from possessing those on the Argo II. Back then, she hadn't known about the wizards. The Eidolons had turned to Harry instead.

That meant that one was in his head, and two more resided in the castle.

"Ah, Katie, you are right."

Katie was quickly alarmed. She reached for her blade, but remembered that it was in her bag, with Annabeth. She also realised that she couldn't exactly stab the voice in her head. She needed Piper.

"How can you talk to me?" she asked telepathically. "Eidolons only possess. They don't speak with their host."

"How can you be so sure? I only speak to those I wish to. You are lucky."

"Yeah right," Katie scoffed, though she was trembling ever so slightly.

She was scared. She couldn't control herself from now on. The voice in her head would never leave. Always haunting her, making her hurt others until she broke herself.

"Who else is possessed?" she asked. She wanted to make sure that she could round them all up and hopefully, get them out of their heads.

"Want to take a guess?" the Eidolon suggested innocently. Katie cringed.

"No, tell me."

"You know her, of course."

Katie banged her head slightly on the book she was holding. She just wanted to know who else was possessed for Demeter's sake.

"Don't be impatient. I will tell you in time."

Katie bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming. She didn't want this. She didn't want to be possessed.

How was she going to get out?


Katie looked up. She was greeted with soft blue eyes and a mischievous grin. The grin disappeared, replaced by worry as she revealed her face.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked quietly, noting the glistening of tears in her eyes. Katie shook her head and sat on the marble floor of the library.

"I'm not," she replied, taking a shaky breath.

"What's wrong?" He put his arm over her shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly.

"Don't tell him, Katie."

"Why would I listen to you?" Katie challenged.

"I can make him die by your own hands. You will listen to me," the voice warned.

Katie buried her head into Travis's chest, not saying a single word. The affection threw Travis off. He patted her on the back, forgetting the question that hadn't been answered.

SEA GREEN [PERCY JACKSON X HARRY POTTER]Where stories live. Discover now