Chapter One: Falling

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I was surrounded by people. A boy with chestnut hair and bright green eyes walk over to me. He had to look down because I was a good head shorter than the boy. He smiled at me, showing off his cute little dimples.

His lips were moving, but no sound came out. It was like watching a movie without any speakers.

"Were am I?" I asked

But I too had no voice.

He stopped smiling and grabbed my hand, it was like a vise. It kept getting tighter, until it felt like my bones were about to shatter.

"Why are you doing this!?" I wanted to scream

The floor fell out beneath me, and the only thing keeping me from falling into the black abyss below me was his iron grip.

The sound flooded back all at once, the rocks falling around me, and the boy's lips started to match up with the sound. He was yelling... at me.



I woke up with a start, trying to contain my shaky breaths. My sweat pored down my back , but I couldn't have felt any colder.

"I-it was j-just th-that dream." I said to myself, raking my hands though my ebony hair.

I pushed myself out of bed and into my adjoining bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, the girl starring back at me had dark circles under her icy blue eyes. She was taking uneven breaths, making her frail rib cage fall and rise and fall in a out of tune rhythm.

"Great. Now even my dreams are out to get me." I mumbled

That dream had been reoccurring since three weeks ago, when she left me. I guess it was the universes's way of kicking me while I was down. It shouldn't have been scary, but it was. Not because I was going to fall, but because it was so real. Almost like it had already happened. And the worst part is I get more details every night. I was never able to make out the faces in the crowd until now. And the sound was starting to fill in as well.

"I wonder what he was trying to tell me." I asked myself

"ALEX!" a voice screeched out

"That's what I want to hear on a morning like this." I grumbled, rubbing my throbbing temples.

"GET DOWN HERE NOW!" she yelled again

I stumbled down the stairs and into the family room to be met by a very pissed off aunt Carrie.

"What?" I grumbled

She pointed to the empty beer bottles in the corner of the room and glared at me angrily

"Must I remind you that we have 8 year olds in the house?!" She yelled

"Not my problem." I yawned

"Well it is now. Get out of my house." She spat

I did a double take and held out my hands.

"Your not serious?" I asked

She glared at me and point upstairs

"Get your things." She said .

"A-aunt Carrie. I have no where to go! what am I supposed to do?" I asked, as she dragged me to the stairs.

"Your words exactly : Not my Problem." She smiled wickedly

After shoving me into the room and slamming he door, she yelled out

"Anything that isn't packed within the next hour is mine!"


I had two duffle bags full of clothes in either hand and my mother's necklace, it was the only thing my she passed down to me. . I can still remember her blonde hair whipping in the wind when she finally gave me the golden locket

"Only use it in times of need. It's more than just a necklace Alex, it's a extension of yourself. Keep it safe, and hidden." She told me.

"Ready to go you free loader?" my aunt asked

"Love you too auntie." I spat and kicked the wooden door open with my foot

"Peace!" I yelled, and threw my stuff into the beat up old SUV I had bought on my 17th birthday.

I drove down the pothole filled road for the last time and to the horizon. I had to visit one last place before skipping town


The field's grass hadn't been cut in years, letting it grow to almost knee length. The old willow tree still stood tall in the field, the only land mark for miles. I went over to it's rotting trunk and traced my hand over the carved words. It was something in another language, but my mom taught me how to read it t a young age. She called it the language of the old.

"What's that mean mommy?" I asked her

"It means people used it a long time before you were born."

"How long?"

"Centuries darling."

"That's really old.... why should I have to learn it?" I complained

"It will come in handy where you're older dear."

What was that supposed to mean? I've never had to use it before, how old was I supposed to be? I'm already 18, a full fledge adult.

I looked at the curved markings and tried to make it out to the best I my ability.

All of a sudden it was like the letters rearranged themselves, into a new sentence.

"Dark hearts will gather in their own world." It read.

The wind picked up suddenly, and practically shoved me to the ground. I felt rumbling beneath me and a giant crack spud behind me.

Getting to a crouching stance, I watched in terror, the earth open up and swallowed me whole. Then I was falling

Then it all went black.

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