Chapter 2 - detention

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Tris POV

--time lapse to school --

We have 10 minutes before school starts, so i stuff my board in my bag and head over to the "gang". The gang consists of me, uriah, zeke, chrissy (christina), Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, Al, Will Four and now Nita. 

"HEY GUYS, Ya Miss me?" I shout at them. They all turn their heads and everyone except for  Uriah, Zeke (because they are standing next to me) and Nita who has never been fond of me, start sprinting over and give me a bear hug. 

"Haha hey you guys"

"HEY Havent seen you in ages"

"Hey missed you"

And more comments like those are pouring out of their mouths, except four who pulls me to the side and gives me my own hug. "Hey Trissy" "Hey Four" "How was your summer?" "Boring, yours?" We keep chatting like that until the bell rings and we all head to the office to get our schedules. 

1. Maths

2. Art

3. Band

4. Lunch

5. P.E

6. History

7. Free

8. Music

Ugh! Nita is in ALL of my classes! Thats annoying!! I have all my classes except P.E with Four, the first 6 with christina, P.E with Al, Uriah and Zeke. Marlene Shauna and Lynn have Free with me, and we all have Music together. 

So apart from Nita being in all my classes, it's gonna be a good year!

--Time lapse to class--

" Good morning class, we will be sitting in 5 groups of 4, the groups are on the board." exclaims Ms Matthews.

1. Eric - Peter - Four - Tris

2. Christina - Nita - Izzy - Finlee

3. Tom - Alex - Mary - Lizzi

(A/N these are just random characters that i made up)

4. Lauren - Max - Charli - Ben

5. Molly - Drew - Mitch - Joey

Ugh shit! I am with Eric and peter! "Are these seats for the whole year?" Four calls out, knowing how worried I am about sitting next to Peter and Eric. "Yes Four, now everyone start your work on page 6"

I slowly walk up and sit down next to Four and opposite Eric. " Hey Pissy Trissy" " Hi Eric" "What's wrong Pissy Trissy" "Shut your face Eric" "Never Pissy Trissy"

I mouth a help me to four who is currently doing his work next to me.Don't worry he mouths back. I give him a shy smile and get focused on my work. 20 minutes later he is finished and he starts to help me.

"So to find out the circumfrence, the formula is 2 pi r" "Oh thanks" "hey you wanna come over this arvo? COD rematch?" Ever since year 6 when Four taught me how to play, I've been able to whipe him! "Sure, how about at 4?" "Sounds Great" He flashes on of his cute smiles. Ugh Tris get over your self - he's dating Nita. 

"MISSS!! TRIS AND FOUR ARE TALKING AND DISSTRACTING ME!!!" Peter screams out. Ugh sometimes, actually make that all the time I just wanna punch his little squirmy face!

"Four, Tris Lunchtime detention with me! Thank you Peter" Ms Matthews is Peter's aunt so of course she believes him.

Time Lapse to detention

I turn to Four. "Great, just great" He sighs. "Fan-bloody-tastic" he looks at me and laughs. "I haven't heard you say that since year 6, when peter stole your homework" "haha that was a funny day"


I was walking to school with four when Peter suddenly ran up and took  my homework! "Fan-bloody-tastic" I muttered and Four just laughed at me. 1/2 an hour before class started I told the teacher and thank goodness she believed me !So she asked Peter to hand in his homework before class. Then in class she said "Peter has done his homework completely correct and therefore is representing our school in the Chicago regional maths competetion, if he wins the whole school wins $50,000 and if he loses we might close down." Thats when Peter suddenly jumps up - "It's Triss's Its not mine!" "Then why doess it have your name on it?" "I CHEATED!" He yelled out, then ran out of the class crying.

End of Flashback

Soon Ms Matthews fell asleep so Four plugged his headphones in and handed one to me. He has beats! They are soo amazing! Thankfully Four loves Fall Out Boy nearly as much as me so played their album - Save Rock and Roll, and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark immediately came on. We both start jamming out. I LOVE PETE SO MUCH!!! He inspired me to learn the bass, so I have been taking lessons for 4 years. I pretend to be the bass air guitar, and Four who plays the drums, imitates Andy. We do this until the bell rings for end of Lunch.

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