Chapter 8 - never again

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Tine lapse to Monday @ school


Long chapter

Tris POV

We're in class with Ms Matthews, and we're all doing our work, when my phone goes off. That's weird nobody EVER calls me, they just text. 

"Tris, detention with me, hand your phone to me" Yells Ms Matthews. As I do that I hear the swoosh of a text coming in. 

"Sorry miss"

She looks at my phone and her face goes pale. "Tris come here" "Yes miss" I give Tobias a worried glance. I head up to the teacher and she gives me my phone. "read the text dear, I'm sorry" Now I'm really nervous and I look back at Tobias who also looks really worried. Ms Matthews is NEVER this nice and NEVER says sorry. 

I read the text, and drop to the floor.

Tobias POV

As soon as Tris reads to the text, tears fill her eyes and she drops to the floor screaming. 

"NOOO! WHY ME? WHY ME? F-ING HELL! WHY MEEE!!!!!!!!" she is sobbing now and I am just sitting here doing nothing.

Suddenly she gets up says something to Ms Matthews, who nods then gives Tris a hug and says sorry again, then Tris runs out of the room.

"Christina, Four please go get your friends from their classes. I will call their teachers, just GO NOW!"

wow this is weird.

"I'll get the girls from History, you get the guys from Science. got it? exclaims Christina with tears streaming down her face. We are both worried.

Once we've gotten the gang, we head back to Ms Matthews. Nita thinking she is a part of this stands, but ms Matthews says "Nita only for friends of Tris."

"I'm one of tris's friends"

"No your not" Chris says back

"Okay Miss, we're worried to death, what did the text say?" Uriah exclaims clearly worried.He is like Tris's brother.

Ms matthews opens the door, and walks us out into the hallway.

"Tris's parents and brother were in a car crash on their way home frim the airport." Everyone gasps "Unfortunately there was only one survivor, her mother - who is in critical condition. She is at the Chicago Medical Hospital (just made that up)" By now I have tears streaming down my face, all the girls are sobbing, even Lynn. Zeke and Uriah and like me, Will has tears in his eyes and is hugging an uncontrolable Christina while Al stands there like nothing happened. I point this out to Zeke and Uriah. 

Ms Matthew goes back inside. Uriah and Zeke pin him up to a wall. I go up to him, chokking on some words. "Why ar-are you standing there like no-nothing happened? Th-thats you're girlfr-friends family dude!" 

"ehh - i didn't know 'em, Tris is just another girl."

All heads towards him

Zeke pushes him harder into a locker.

"Just another girl? Just another girl? F**k Off Asshole!!" Christina screams!

That's when Will comes up and does something, no-one was expecting someone as calm and gentle as Will would do, punches him hard in the nose. I hear a POP! and then see blood everywhere.

Uriah slaps him on the face and I kick him in the stomach. then we all ( apart from Al) pile into Marlene's van and drive to Tris's house. We decided to be there when she comes home. 

Tris POV

I'm here with my mum who just woke up - She is fine just 3 broken rribs, a broken leg and a fractured skull! At least she's alive - she doesn't remember what happened though. I am sobbing!

"Tris where is your father and your brother?" I break down into sobs

"mum... they... didn't..." I can't continue. We are both sobbing really hard. Why me?


"yes?" I wipe my eyes and look at her.

"sing for me"

"What why? Why now?"

"Because you my darling are all I've got, and I haven't heard you sing since you were 15."

"Oh... um.. ok"

"this is just some of the song, I sung at our gig." I took a death breath, faked a smile and began to sing, quietly.

"I knew the moment I met you, I could never lose you. I kne the moment I met you. Don't you let me go this time. Don't you let me go this time. Don't go baby, it's time for us you know, Don't go honey, this way we'll never know. Don't go honey, this way we'll never know."

At the end of this we are both in tears.

We just keep chatting until visiting hours are almost over.

"Honey, go home, get some rest.Talk to Tobias" I had told her all about him an hour ago.

"Okay, i'll see you tomorrow. Stay strong! i love you!"

"love you too kiddo!"

As i walk to my car all I can think about is I haven't seen my brother in a year, or my dad in 5 months! and Never again will I see them smile, laugh, cook, burn food, tease me, play with me, out smart me. Never again.

I decide to call Tobias, hoping Ms Matthews did  her job. He picks up first ring.

"Hey Tris, how is she, we're all at your house, and you are not on speaker"

" Hey Toby, cool, thanks and She is fine. I am coming home now. I will be there in half an hour."

:Hey I made you dinner - your favourite, Meat pies"

"Thanks Toby"

"No problem, anything else I can do? Oh and don't date Al. He said stuff at school and now he is a bit - beaten up"

"Thanks Tobias, thankyou for always being there for me. What would I do without you? I need you Tobias, I need you as my best friend. Thank you Tobias, Thank you."

Tobias POV

For some reason I am disappointed when she says best friend. "I need you too Tris. I couldn't live without you either."

"Aww my ship! It's sailed!" screams Uriah

"Hey Tris, hold on one sec" "Sure" I put my hand over the phone.

"Uriah, what on Earth does that mean?" "to put it shortly, you and Trissy!" "Uriah we are not dating! She is just my friend, my very good friend! A better friend than you!"

"BURN!!" screams Zeke!

"Hey guys nice chatting, but my bestfriend now without a father and a brother, is on the phone, so if you wouldn't mind I'd like to speak to her?"

"Sorry Tris, Uriah was being..well Uriah"

"that's okay"

"so how far away are you?"

"half an hour - oops my phones about dead, gotta  go, cya later bye!"


Well That ended well.

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