Chapter 5 - rematch

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Tobias POV

I wonder where Tris is. She's never late! Anyway today I was going to tell her about my dad. Zeke and Uriah know because one time they walked in on it, and got beaten lightly themselves. Tris ought to know, because she is my best friend, and is always there for me. Your probably wondering why I'm not telling Nita? I don't really, well, love her. I think she is dating me just to show me off. None of her otherfriends have boyfriends. Might I add, I can understand why... Nita's friends are REALLY bitchy! I don't really know why I am dating Nita. She's nice and funny but a bit of a bitch to Tris. And Tris is my world, she is always there for me, and I her. We've always had this connection. I probably will never get serious with Nita because she dislikes Tris. I think thatt will go for all girls I date.

*Knock Knock* 

Ah finally she's here, I open the door and there is Tris with a huge smile on her face. I give her a hug and invite her in. We start playing Call Of Duty, I am winning, when I pauuse the game and turn to face her.

"So I wanted to explain some things" "shoot" So I tell her about my dad and the beatings and my real name and the whole time she just nods. When I'm done she gives me a huge hug and says "Four-Tobias-Toby?" I nod "Well than Toby, I'm really sorry about your dad, I think you are really strong and brave for putting up with this. How did Nita react when you told her?" "I um havent told her, only you, Zeke and Uriah know. And they only know 'coz they walked in on it."

Tris POV

I am the only one he told! I want to smile but I know now's the wrong time. "Why Four?" "Why what?" "Why four - the number? You could have been Fred?" he chuckles "well I was Four when I met Zeke, he asked my name and I got mixed up with my age" he pauses, chuckles than carries on "so I said 4, and he's always called me that, even when he knew he still called me Four and Whaddya know? fourteen years later only 5 people know my name." "five?" "You, Uriah, Zeke, My mum and Marcus." "Why did your mother marry Marcus?" I ask, quite confused. "I have no idea, but I don't really care, she left me with that monster." "oh"

Tobias POV

Next thing I know Tris clears her throat and she looks really nervous. I wonder why.soon she starts speaking really fast 

"Iwenttoalshouseandheaskedmeoutandidin'twanttohurthisfeelingssoisaaidyes" she takes a deep breath and looks down.

What? Al asked her out and she said yes? For some reason I feel a pang of jealousy but all I say is "that's great Tris, but Marcus is gonna be here in 5, I suggest you go, text me?" "Oh... Okay sure Cya"

Way to go Tobias. 

A/N sorry for short. Does anyone have ideas? I dont know if anyones reading this but idc

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