Chapter 3 - the beating

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I head to P.E by my self because Four has Footy Training. Lucky him. I'm stuck with Peter and Eric. At least I have Uriah, Zeke, Chris and Al, Zeke and Uriah are like my brothers so they'll protect me. The whole gang knows they hate me but only Zeke Uriah and Four know about the beating. 

Peter and Eric started the beating 4 years ago. I was walking out of school when they came at me and started throwing punches and kicks at me. Lucky for me, Zeke walked out of detention soon after they started and immediately saw me and them. He came over bashed Peter's headd against the ground (dirt) and punched Eric in the face, picked me up and carried me to fours house because my REAL brother Caleb was home and he would report them to the cops. Which I DID NOT want! I don't want to be known as a wuss OR a dobber. Apparently I had passed out halfway there so when I woke up, I was in Fours bed, my whole body ached and Four and Zeke were fussing about me. It happened every day that week. It now happens once a week and has happened ever since then. The gang thinks it's from my karate lessons. I have no idea how uriah knows, but i'm guessing zeke told him. Four, Zeke and Uri have tried to stop it but they threatened to do it more. 

And now they are in my P.E class.

"Good morning cupcakes, today we are doing physical training, so everyopne in groups of six and then do puches, knife throwing and we'll do either a NERF war or an Archery competition." Max is our P.E teacher - he's awesome. When he says the end part eveeryone cheers. I LOVE nerf so hopefully we'll do that.

Uriah's eyes light up when he says group and immediately rounds up the gang. In our group there is me, chris, zeke, uri, nita and al. we have to pair up and i REALLY want to go with Chris but Nita got her first, so now I'm stuck with Al.

We start with punches, Al puts on gloves and I start punching. Since I do karate, I'm pretty good. When we swap, Al whispers "can you come over this afternoon, at 3:30?" since he lives on the same street as four, and because I was curious why I said "Sure, Why?" "We need to talk" "Kay cool!"

We end up having a Nerf War and my team won! It was really fun, but I wish Four had P.E with us. 

History and Free period go by in a flash. Mar, Shauna annd Lynn and I just talk about our Summer and Mar's trip to Australia. God I miss Australia.

The bell rings and we head to music. Yay! I love Ms Wu, our music and band teacher.

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