0.2 | burning air, biting chill

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translation in advance:
Σε αγαπώ : I love you

°․~❅ ~ ❀ ~ ❅~․°


8월에도 겨울이 ...
Even in August, winter is here...

°․~❅ ~ ❀ ~ ❅~․°

The train screeched against its worn tracks, nearly beating out the squeal of summer heat in the air.

Despite the sweltering August air, her delicate fingers were frozen and still against her sides. she forced them to move, the invisible ice coating her hands shattering as she scrunched up her sweater paws and waved at the man slowly walking away from her.

"Stay safe, Love! Tell Aiko and Mer that I say, 'HI,' please! And to your parents, too!" exclaimed the girl with a large smile chiseled in her cheeks. The man looked back with sleep-ridden but affectionate eyes, slightly yawning while replying. "I will. Take care and step outside every now and then for your daily photosynthesis sessions, okay? You need the sun, you know. Oh, and that damn AC is still broken and knowing how cold you can get, stay warm. I'll see you soon."

"I'll try. I love you, Love!"

"Σε αγαπώ, Nua!"

She watches with distorting eyesight as he steps upon the train. The wheels of the train soon begin to rotate, and she has to wipe her eyes to see the locomotive pull the carts slowly away from the platforms.

As she loses sight of Love's train, she takes a deep breath. She hopes the suffocatingly hot air will burn her lungs like it does everyone else, but of course, a frigid chill takes over her chest and heart instead.

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