0.4 | you did well

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Did you change? Or was it me that changed?

°․~❅ ~ ❀ ~ ❅~․°

    "...nuary Roman...best friend...prepared a speech...remembrance..."

    When she didn't move, Rosy's mom lighting squeezed the girl's hand, slightly gasping at how cold her still fingers felt.

    This snapped her out of her frozen haze, and she slowly made her way out of her seat and to the front of the room. There were a few steps to pass to make it to the small podium, but with each stride, the numbing in her legs only tingled more.

    Despite the bright colors adorning the room, as requested by the dead in just-in-case talks, everything seemed dull and cold. Glossed over eyes scanned the grey crowd. It was a sick comfort to know she wasn't the only one shivering in the blisteringly cold atmosphere.

    "I—" she started. Her voice broke, and she cleared it with difficulty.

    "I... first met Love and Rosy in seventh grade. Our own separate friends got into a pretty brutal find, and the first thing I heard from them was, 'Hey, wanna bet? We've got ten on our guy.'"

    A small, forced chuckle rippled through the room, ending sharply.

    "After that, we became inseparable. We were lucky enough to have the same classes the next few years, and eventually to attend the same college. Love pursued his fondness of food and made it into a remarkable career. Rosy followed a few simple guitar lessons and made those into her own amazing dream. They left—they moved away to follow these dreams and become even greater. They would have become so much greater. I'm so proud of them, just as you are, and I always will be. They did well. Rosa, Love—you did well."

The open window of the venue allowed a breeze to enter the room. When the cool tendrils reached her, she shivered. The wisps froze her tears so they wouldn't flow.

It was early fall, but... it was so cold.

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