0.6 | white flowers

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❝—단 하루도 너를 잊은 적이 없었지 ...
❝—there hasn't been a day that I have forgotten you...

°․~❅ ~ ❀ ~ ❅~․°

"I graduated today, Love! You'd be so proud, too, Rosy—I told off that one douche-bag that hits of everything that breathes when this poor freshman was near crying. Seriously, you would have clapped," she recounted as she arranged white flowers with bandaged hands.

As a strong gust whipped through the cemetery, the feathery petals laced themselves with the coils of air. They followed the beckoning wisps, and she was left alone.

The bare, thorny stems blended well with the grey, bristled atmosphere as they fell to the ground.

As they rest between the headstones, she let out a shivering breath.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean any of it. I was just... tired. The weather is also cooling down. You know how snappy I get when that happens. I'll get you more flowers tomorrow. Let's try to find some colored ones this time. White is too... unsettling."

She slumped against one of the cold stones, staring at the carved into the other.

White is too icy.

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