0.9 | it was warm

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❝어떤 어둠도, 어떤 계절도, 영원할 없으니까...
The morning will come again, because no darkness, no season, can last forever...

°․~❅ ~ ❀ ~ ❅~․°

"... But I... have a choice, don't I? I just want to be happy and free from the cold and tiredness, but you guys would have fought through it. You would have helped me through it, just like you did all the times before... Can you help me now? Please?"

The punching wind suddenly stopped, letting her breathe. The clouds began swirling once again, only this time, they were thinning out. Within a moment, a sliver of sun broke through the thick barrier, landing on the three friends.

It was for a fleeting moment, but it was a moment nonetheless--a moment of something she desperately needed. It was warm.

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