Chapter Seven

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I leaned closer to Alexander, inhaling the sweet flowery smell of him. A smile slid to my face, and I glanced up at him as he continued to read his book. He didn't notice me at first, but the moment he did, he closed his book and tilted his head at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"What?" he asked.

"What do you mean, what?"

"You're staring at me."

"I am not."

"You are too."

Seeing no other course of action in order to win this debate, I moved up to kiss him. His lips curled into a smile, and I felt his body relax. Seconds later and I let go of him so I could continue to read. His fingers moved to my hair and began to play with it gently, completely occupied.

"What are you reading?" His voice was soft, as if being any louder would break the spell and ruin the moment.

"A book."

"Really? Huh. Who would've guessed it? What book are you reading?"

I moved the book so he could see the title. When he realized what book it was, he met my eyes and grinned again, a laugh almost on his lips.

"Deathly Hallows, huh?"

"I never got around to reading the last one," I returned sheepishly, dog-earring the page and setting it down on the table besides us.

The library was quiet despite the birds that had joined us, but they had come to the general consensus that they were too lazy to make any noise. It was a gray afternoon, rain clouds just looming in the distance. But that only made the mood more comforting, more serene. We had lit the fireplace, though I personally enjoyed the chilly breeze that fought through the window.

Alex was content playing with my hair as I rested my head against his chest. We watched Belletra and Amica messing around the table, both of them flaring their wings as they argued about Divinity knows what. Something to do with freeing all the birds in human pet stores and zoos?

I don't know. I was hardly paying attention to them, choosing rather to give it all to Alexander.

I listened to the pulse of his heartbeat, my head rising and falling with his chest. He was telling me about a spell he wanted to create, something about spider-people. He mentioned something about a movie, but I never really watched many of those during my time on Earth. I found myself hooked on every word he said, enjoying the sweet sound of his voice as he went on and on.

"Are you listening to me?" he teased, unaware that I listened like every word he said could be his last.

"Of course! You were talking about a Spider Man and someone named Stork."

"Stark, but close enough."

"Oh, give me a break."

Alexander's hand slid down to my back, where he began to drag his fingers across the skin lightly. I flinched away from him at first, unsure of what he was doing.

"What's wrong?" he murmured quickly, a hint of alarm sparking through his voice.

"Nothing," I breathed, settling back down. "It just feels weird, that's all."

"Should I keep doing it?"

I paused, looking up at him. "Yes please," I decided after a moment, then laid my head back on his chest.

Alexander smiled lazily in amusement and continued. I sucked in a deep breath and decided that I liked it. It felt nice, in an innocent way that was far better than anything else I had experienced before.

To Learn To Fall (Sequel to the Other Side)Where stories live. Discover now