Chapter Twenty Five

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One thing was for sure, I did not fit in with the rest of the guests in attendance at the ball. The Avion didn't trust me, and that was made pretty obvious the second I stepped into the room and was treated with looks of shock, followed by them trying to get out of my way as soon as possible. I didn't care enough to try and talk to any of them, so instead, I found Eliza and stuck close to her most of the night.

"You're not wearing a dress," I commented. I wasn't upset or anything about it, just the long, flowing, blue overcoat took me by surprise.

Eliza blinked. "A what?"

"Never mind. What are we supposed to do?"

"Well, we can dance if you want."

"That's the last thing I want. I'm not very good at dancing."

She grinned at me and nodded in affirmation. "No. You always were pretty bad. I'm glad that much didn't change."

I rolled my eyes and surveyed the crowd. I'm not sure if the room qualified as a ballroom or not, but it certainly fit quite a large number of people, some of which weren't completely Avion. It was simple despite its size, but frankly, I didn't mind. "Certainly huge," I commented to Eliza, feeling a little awkward just standing next to her.

"Yeah. Just like I remember it though."

"You've been here before?" I exclaimed, turning to her in surprise.

She shrugged. "Only twice before, and I was pretty young. Balls were rarely held in Avionerra. They really do like to keep the location of the Capitol secret, and I guess for good reason."

"You've been to a ball? This is a first for me."

"Many," she corrected. "I've been to many balls. They have them every once in a while."

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why would you be going to a ball hosted by the Avion? You're not an Avion, are you?"

Eliza laughed. "Divinity, no. Could you imagine me with wings? I hate heights." Then she frowned, and regarded me with surprise. "Right, I guess you wouldn't exactly know. My uncle is the lord of Trillison."

"Fuck. That's the most Northern region, right? The really cold one?"

"Is that all we're known for?" she teased, nodding.

"Is everyone I know secretly royalty? Why don't people like... tell me these things?"

"Well, Lafayette's a nobleman in Aspisena, though I forget exactly what his title is. I'm sorry. I thought you already knew. I guess you could say my reputation precedes me everywhere I go."

Despite the stares I felt on the back of my head and the whispered warnings I heard whenever a group of Avion passed me, a bit of tension in my shoulders released, and I couldn't help myself from indulging in a small laugh. It was short-lived, but it felt good.

"How long do you think we have to stay here? I support Thomas and I'm happy he's back in his home," Eliza began, "But I have never been a fan of heights."

I shook my head in agreement. "Philip's enjoying himself though." It was the wrong thing to say.

Eliza glanced elsewhere, folding in on herself. I mumbled an apology, one which she quickly dismissed, and let my eyes trail across the ballroom until I found Philip standing next to a pillar, talking to somebody I didn't recognize. "I'm sorry," she said. "I just... I hate having to watch him grow up without any parents."

"Why don't we tell him?"

"We can't, Alexander."

"Why not?" I demanded, and she turned away from me.

To Learn To Fall (Sequel to the Other Side)Where stories live. Discover now