Letter Eleven

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My friend,
Angelica Schuyler

I have so much to say. I've written this letter at least three times already, and I doubt this one will be any good at all.

I'd like to thank you. For your help. I doubt I could have done it or gotten as far as I did without you. It really meant a lot to me, a little proof that I wasn't as alone as I thought it was. I'd also like to thank you for standing by me and being my friend even as you knew what was wrong with me.

I guess I should have listened to you, huh? I should have told everyone before they found out themselves. But I was far too stubborn and selfish and I couldn't see past myself and my own problems.

I know our history has been a rocky one, and we haven't always gotten along perfectly, but I really did think of you as a close friend for the greater portion of the time I knew you. I was never really sure if you felt the same, but I really hope you did.

Thank you, Angelica. For quite a lot.

I wish everything could have worked out. I've seen how stressed this has made you, and I'm so sorry. I really wanted this to go away too, for me to be alright and happy, but we both knew that was never the case.

It was only a matter of time, right?

You really did make me feel like I wasn't alone there at the end.

Thank you.

Your friend,

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