Letter Five

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To my friend,
Aaron Burr

I underestimate you all the time, and every time I do, you always prove me wrong. For better or for worse.

I truly have enjoyed your friendship and your company since I've known you, but I also extremely value what you've done for me in the past few months. Your understanding and your help.

Thank you for what you've given me and for just allowing me to tell somebody about all of this without feeling like it's going to come back to bite me later on.

There really is nobody else I would have trusted with this as much as you, for I know they wouldn't have been so hesitant to judge me or go ahead and tell everyone else.

I know some of the things you have done in the past are... problematic... to say the least, but you are more than what has already been done, and frankly, I truly don't blame you.

When this war is over and you win, I hope you find happiness and love, because you deserve nothing less than it.

I have always admired your quick thinking, intelligence, and the hard work you put forth in everything that you do.

Thank you Aaron.

Thank you for being my friend, a person I could always trust, someone I could go to when I needed to, and for keeping my secret until the very end.

I appreciate you and everything you do, and I'm really going to miss you, but that kinda goes without saying.

Can you make sure James doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone? And don't do anything stupid yourself, understand?

The last thing I need is someone I care about getting hurt because I was unable to protect them.

Your friend,

I'm truly sorry about what happened to your wife. I'm not sure how it works after death, but if I ever see her, I'll let her know you miss her more than life itself.

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