Chapter Eight

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The music finally came to its ending, and I let out a shaky breath and stood up from the piano. I lingered over the keys for just a second, really considering sitting back down, playing another song, and never leaving this room.

It was too much of a sanctuary. Too easy to get lost in. It was dangerous, a liability. And then there was also the looming threat that anyone would find out that I played. 

I tore myself away from the piano and forced myself hurriedly past the instruments that were scattered through the room, all the while playing each and every one of them in my mind and crafting something new but just as equally beautiful.

When I exited the hidden room, the hallway was hardly lit. I moved to the window and pulled back a curtain, staring out at the rain as it pattered gently against the glass.

What a sonorous melody from something so unintentional.

Luckily, the thunder and lightning from the night before had been chased away, leaving the rain. And even that was beginning to wind down.

I heard talking and followed it, crossing my arms. It led me to the sitting room where Alexander, James, Angelica, Aaron, Philip, Hercules, and Washington were scattered throughout the room and talking.

"There you are," Alexander said, looking up as I entered and silence fell. "I was beginning to...worry..." His eyes then transfixed on something behind me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, stepping towards him. "Alex?"

"I like the new... uh... look?" Philip offered, his smile not quite genuine.


"Well, I don't," said James, standing up and walking over to me. "What inspired this one?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

Hercules crossed his arms and titled his head, as if he was trying to work out a puzzle he didn't quite understand. "Your wings?"

"What's wrong with my—oh."

Oh. No.

This isn't good.

"Oh, I forgot," said Aaron easily, casting me a meaningful smile that didn't quite match the look in his eyes. "Thomas and I were testing out something yesterday."

"Right," I said, though not hearing him. Instead, I was staring over my shoulder at my wings. Where the normal radiant white feathered wings would be stood two... less radiant white feathered wings.

Look, I have nothing against bats.

But their wings do not suit me.

I glanced over at Aaron and tried to find a smile. He nodded at my silent question, eyes just as solemn as I felt.

This had to do with my little evening stroll last night.

"Well, I like it," said Alexander, smiling up at me with an ease that he seemingly pulled from nowhere.

How did he make everything just a bit lighter?

I looked over at Angelica, who was thoroughly invested in the cup of tea that sat on the table in front of her. I didn't have to read her mind to know what she was thinking, but this secret was mine to tell and she knew it.

"Well, anyway," I said, pulling my wings close to my body and crossing over to sit next to Alexander. "What are you all talking about? I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

Washington spoke for the first time that morning, leaning forwards in his chair with a tiredness I shared. "Nothing overly important. Where did you go last night?"

To Learn To Fall (Sequel to the Other Side)Where stories live. Discover now