The end of this...

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Flashback to a couple hours ago...

Michaels POV

I walk over to her and I can't believe what it is.


Look I know your mad at me but I have an explanation for all of this. I had to make it seem realistic and if you knew what I was up to you would've stopped me.

Your probably really confused at this point at time but this letter will explain it all, I just hope you get it in time.

After Nicky called telling me he had Destiny I didn't know what to do. Then it came to me. I would go meet him thinking I left you and everything behind but in reality you were near- by

I love you so much Michael and I'm sorry I had to do this to you but I had to. I've put the address at the bottom of this letter but be careful. My gun is in the drawer next to the cutlery bring it. But please be careful. You should know what to do.

I love you Michael

Latice xx

452 Bridge Right Road

''What does it say?'' I hear latices mum ask in the background

I don't say anything but a smile spreads across my face

I knew she wouldn't leave. I knew it. That's my girl. I turned to Latices mum and embraced her in a hug. I whispered.

''She's okai it's gonna be okai. I just need to get her''

Before she could respond I grabbed the car keys, the letter and the gun and ran to the car. This is it. This is the end. Nicky will be gone.

Fast forward to present time.

''GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY FUCKING WIFE'' I yell feeling the most rage I have ever felt before

''Michael... you came'' Latice smiled. 

''What do you mean he came?'' Nicky sounds confused.

No one responded.

''ANSWER ME YOU BITCH'' he yelled whilst slapping Latice causing her to skid across the floor.

''YOU FUCKING ASS IM GONNA KILL YOU'' I drop the gun ran for him charging all my might and strength into lifting him and slamming him on the floor. I was on top throwing punches left right and centre not knowing where I was hitting or what was happening.

All I saw was blood on my hands, the floor and Nickys face. Who's blood it was I couldn't answer but I knew I was fighting to kill.

Suddenly I feel a sharp piercing pain in my side. A knife wound. I grip my side instantly feeling weak. Nicky gets on top of me.

''Oh I'm going to love this. Killing you. Taking you girl. Taking you child. All for me. You lost. Night night bitch''

A tear falls down my face as I try and lift my hands and place them around his throat but he is too strong at this moment in time. He twists my hand causing me to screech out in pain.

He picks the knife back up and places it on my neck. Cold. Cold is all I felt. I close my eyes. And then.....


Latices POV

Tears streamed down my eyes as my hand was shaking vigorously. Nickys body dropped instantly laying next to Michael. I had never used a gun before so my ears were ringing aswell. Blood slowly trickled down onto my lip from when I had dropped earlier.

What felt like years was actually seconds. I dropped the gun and ran over to Michael who was shaking and crying.

'' Baby please stay with me we done it please'' tears lured down my face  trying to comfort Micheal.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called 999 lucking they would be five minutes. Micheal wasn't responding and his eyes were now shut. I was about to whisper to him  when I heard crying. Destiny.

''I'll be right back M''
I run to the sounds of crying and see a room. I quickly open the door to see Destiny crying. My heart. I ran to her and embraced her in my arms by this time I could hear the ambulances drawings in.

''It's going to be okai baby trust me'' I whispered in Destiny's ear shielding her face from Michael I didn't want her to see that.

The ambulance came rushing through with a stretcher and medical kits.

I heard one of the yell


''NOOOOOO'' I cry falling to the floor with Destiny in my arms. We were both crying now I held her close gripping on to the only thing I had left.


He can't be gone. 

He just can't.


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