What have you done...

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Latices POV
''Mum are you sure you're okai with looking after Destiny I mean I can cancel with Michael I don't have to...''


''Okai thanks mum and I will be back soon'' I reply kissing her on her forehead.

As soon as I open the front door a wave of nerves crash into me. I contemplate whether I should turn back around and forget about this whole day but I know I have to do this. Not just for me but for our family.

I told Michael to meet me in a coffee shop so it's public and we aren't alone. I didn't know how it was gonna be because thing s could've changed. It hasn't been long but you never know what can happen in a short space of time. I quickly message Michael telling him I'm on my way and start the car.

Nickys POV
Finally the best chance ever to destroy Michaels life. He is gonna wish that he was never born.

Michaels POV
I'm sitting in the corner of the cafe with a coffee which was close to turning stone cold. I had got here 20 minutes early just to make sure I was prepared. Why the fuck am I so nervous.

I look at my phone and see one message from Latice which was sent 18 minutes ago. She should be here any minute now. All of a sudden I see the front door open and Latice looking as beautiful as ever scanning the room to find me. Our eyes lock yet she quickly averts them away and heads toward me.

''Hey...''is say whilst rubbing the back of my head

''Hey...'' she replies awkwardly

''So hows everything been with you?'' I ask trying to remove the tension between us

''Um yea it's been good I guess...'' she said whilst twiddling with her fingers

''I miss you'' I say after a short silence. At first she doesn't reply but just stares at me intently

''Michael I...''

''No don't say anything just let me speak. I miss you. I miss you so fucking much and you don't know how it's been for me. Not to see your beautiful face every morning. Not to feel your skin against mine...'' I place my hand on top of hers and she doesn't decline yet holds my hand

'' I've missed you too. But it's just been so hard to try and be a family when someone's trying to destroy it'' she says

A smile spreads across my face and I instantly lean in to plant a passionate kiss on her lips. Oh it felt good. Having her lips on mine just made me forget everything. I have her again.

Nickys POV

''Come on sweetie time to go to have a little nap'' I hear Latices mum say through the window

''But grandma I don't want to sleep'' I hear a little girl whine

''Aw come on darling grandma is tired we can both have a nap and when we wake up eat some ice cream''

''YAYYYYY OKAI'' I hear the young voice squeal again

''Good girl now grandma will see you in an hour'' I see Latices mum bend down and kiss the little girl and leave the room.

After around 30 minutes the house was completely quiet apart from the little giggle of the girl. I head towards the front door and start to pick lock it. Once I'm finally in I hear a faint snore of Latices mum.

I head towards the little girls room to see her sitting up playing with dolls. She realises that I'm standing in the door way and a look of confusion spreads across her face.

''Who are you'' she says

''Well I'm you Uncle and your mummy told me to come pick you up. ''

''Okai''she jumps up and grabs my hand. Easy. I pick up the little girl and take her to my car.  Now it's time to ruin Michaels life. Forever.

30 minutes later.

''Destiny TIME FOR ICE CREAM''  Latices mum yells as she heads to her bedroom. All she sees is a note on the bed and nothing else. Fear rose inside her. The note read:
Thanks  Nicky x
Her lips tremble and her legs force her to collapse onto the floor.
She tries to get back up but her legs won't let her. She crawls to the kitchen were her phone is on the counter. She hurriedly rushes to call Latice. No answer. She goes on the messages and types.
Latice come quickly. It's Nicky. He took Destiny.
And with that she passed out.

Latices POV
It feels good to be back in normality with Michael. It just feels so right. Whilst we are talking I realise my phone is on silent so I just check it to see if I have any messages from my mum.

12missed calls Mum❤️
I new message Mum❤️

Mum❤️:come quickly. It's Nicky. He took Destiny.

My heart froze. Michel noticed this and snapped me back into reality.

''Princess. Are you okai.'' He asked

''ITS NICKY HE HE TOOK DESTINY''tears rolled down my face in a constant speed.

''HE WHAT?!'' Michael snapped turning all the attention towards us.

Without replying I stood up and ran towards my car. I'm about to get into my car but I am stopped by a firm hand against my door.

Michaels POV
I didn't care how many people were staring at me or where I was I was angry. This bitch wants to take my child. God pray for him. And forgive me for my sins.

''What the fuck actually happened''I say through gritted teeth trying to calm my self down.

''My Mum messaged me saying Nicky came in and took Destiny''

''Get in the car and lets head to your moms now''.

Without reply she gets into the passenger seat and I drive like there's no tomorrow.

This is gonna be the end of all this shit.


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