Ch. 15 Decisions

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"Will you come with me Princess? I want to take care of you. The guys love you, and I want to make this work. I've never had a connection with someone like I do with you and I've only known you for three days. We have to leave tomorrow, and I'm not ready to say goodbye. Please Princess, please say you'll come with me?" I stared at Jimin with my mouth wide open. What the hell just happened, because if I'm being honest, this doesn't feel like reality. When I don't say anything right away, Jimin's smile turns to a frown and he hangs his head in defeat. "I-I understand Y/N, Jin Hyung warned me that this was a crazy idea. I just knew I had to at least ask. I don't want to leave you..."

It broke my heart to see him upset, but this is such a big decision. The irrational, spontaneous part of me wanted to scream "Yes, I'll go with you!" at the top of my lungs, but the rational part of me wanted to think it through. Picking up my life to be with Jimin is crazy right? We've known each other for three days. Am I the first girl he's done this with or is this something he does anytime they tour. Of course I mean nothing to him. I'd be stupid to think otherwise, and what happens when he decides he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Will I be able to find a way home?

Breaking me from my crazy thoughts, Jimin spoke, "Y/N? You zoned out, are you alright?" After blinking a few times to focus back on reality, I nodded my head with a soft smile on my features, "Jimin, this is a big thing you're asking me to do. Can I think about it a little bit, and give you an answer tomorrow?" A glimmer of hope flashed through his eyes, and he reached out to grasped my hand in his. "Of course Princess-" he paused for a second and he looked like he is trying to think of something important. "We have to leave tomorrow morning at 10 A.M. If you decide you want to give this thing between us a chance, meet me at the airport. I'll be looking for you..."

I gently smiled at him and nodded my head. He leaned in to place a soft kiss to my cheek and then moved me off of his lap to stand up from the bed. My eyebrows furrowed with confusion, "Wh-where are you going?" I questioned. He sat back down on the bed and pulled me into his warm embrace. His scent filled my nose and I almost moaned from how heavenly he smelled. "I have to go back to the hotel Princess. I need to take care of a few things before we have to leave tomorrow." He brushed his soft lips against mine one last time and then left my bedroom. It wasn't until I heard my front door shut did I realize I had been holding my breath.

In less than 15 hours, I will have to make a decision that could potentially change my life forever. If I listen to my heart, I'll be at that airport....but I have a feeling my head is going to cause me some issues.

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