Ch. 26 They Don't Deserve You, I Do

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The moonlight, shining through the dorm windows fell over the room, waking me up from my deep slumber. With a quiet yawn, I looked around the living room taking in the sight of the seven boys peacefully sleeping. My eyes moved to the sleeping form of the boy beside me as I took in the beautiful moonlit features of his plump lips and perfect skin. As I closed my eyes to fall back to sleep, I realize just how dehydrated I was from all of the drinking I done last night. Water. I need water.

Trying my best to not make a sound, I stood up from the pallet in the floor, where Jimin was still peacefully sleeping, and I headed towards the kitchen to find some high quality H2O. I don't know if you've ever drank before, but ice cold water in the middle of the night when you feel like you might shrivel up and die from dehydration is possibly some of the best water you could ever have.

When I made it to the kitchen, I used the flashlight on my cellphone to help me find a clean cup from the cabinet above the kitchen counter. With my cup in my hand, I reached for the freezer to get some ice. I know it would make sense to use the automatic ice dispenser, but that thing would sound like a helicopter landing if I were to try and use it right now, so I settled for opening up the freezer and grabbing a handful of ice from the tray. The cold cubes chill my hand, but I quickly dropped them in my cup before my warm skin had time to melt them.

Shutting the freezer door, I turned to walk over to the kitchen sink. The filter on the faucet filled my cup up with purified water in no time, and I close my eyes as I brought the cup to my lips and felt the ice cold liquid trickle into mouth and down my throat. I didn't move the cup from my lips until every last drop of the water is gone. Yum!

Softly, I sat my cup in the sink and turned, immediately bumping into a rock hard chest. My hand flew to my mouth to prevent myself from screaming bloody murder and waking everyone in the dorm up at this ungodly hour. Catching my breath, I slowly lifted my eyes to connect them with the dark eyes of the person in front of me, "J-Jungkook?" I stuttered out, thrown off by the distance or lack thereof between our bodies.

I can't quiet make out the features of his face due to the lack of lighting in the kitchen, but I'm caught off guard as I feel him inch closer to me, pushing me back until I am trapped between his body and the kitchen sink. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I reluctantly spoke, softly enough to not wake anyone, "K-Kookie, i-is everyt-thing alright?" Without a word, Jungkook leaned close enough that I could feel his warm break brush across my skin. Our close proximity had caused a flush to slowly spread across my cheeks. My eyes kept searching his face for any kind of detail that might let me know what's going on. He seemed angry with me...

Finally, silencing the thoughts running through my head, he spoke; his low, gravely voice ringing in my ears, "I saw you with Suga earlier in the kitchen Y/N...I saw the way you flirted with him behind Jimin's back-" I interrupt trying to explain myself, "Jungkook that wasn't wha-" but he put his long finger to my lips, preventing me from continuing to speak. A crazy smirk came to his face and I could feel fear course through me veins. Why was he acting this way? He let out a small laugh, and continued to speak with his low voice, "Why him?, no don't answer that, why either of them? They don't deserve you Noona... I do." Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt Jungkook connect his warm lips with mine, but I did't kiss back nor did I close my eyes. This is not real. This is not real. Suddenly his tongue brushed over my bottom lip asking for permission, but I instantly denied him access. Putting my hands on his firm chest, I pushed with all my might, trying my best to get him off of me.

"What the fuck is going on here?!?"

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