Ch. 54 Slut

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For the first week of my month long stay at the dorms alone, I spent most of my time at the cafe or with Kai and Chanyeol. We had become close friends from being together so often. The cafe had become my safe haven and I found myself sitting in a booth enjoying the atmosphere even when I wasn't scheduled to work.

After the measly apology I had gotten from Jimin, he didn't make any further effort to stay in touch with me. I made sure to send him a message every now and again or call him at night when I was alone, but not to my surprise, he never seemed to have time to answer. I guess I kind of knew to expect it. He was angry with me and letting his job consume his time. Sending him one more message, I sat my phone on my nightstand.

Hey, I hope everything is going great on the tour. I haven't heard from you in a while. I miss you.

I wasn't going to stay in and bask in the silence of the dorms. No, tonight, I was going out. Earlier at work, Kai and Chanyeol had invited me to go out with them and their friends to a local club. I hesitantly accepted, but with each passing minute of Jimin avoiding me, I realized I had made the right decision. Giving myself one final glance in the mirror, I took in the sight of the goddess looking back at me. I looked hot! My long hair in loose curls framed my face, and my makeup was subtle but with just enough sass to give me a flare. The red dress I had chosen clung to my curves showing off my body in a tasteful way.

Grabbing my purse, I headed out of the dorms to meet the guys.


When I arrived at the meet up spot, Kai and Chanyeol stood with a few of the guys they had told me about, along with four girls who all looked stunning. "Hey!" I waved, running up to join the group. Kai wrapped me up in his warm embrace and then introduced me to everyone who I had yet to meet. The girls, Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo, and Rose were welcoming and immediately took me in as one of them. After a little small talk, we headed to the club.

We made our way to the bar, once inside, and Chanyeol ordered everyone a round of shots. "Cheers!" we all chimed, and downed the toxic liquid, the drink burning as it slid down my throat. "Come on Y/N! Let's dance!" Lisa grabbed my hand and the rest of the girls followed us out to the center of the dance floor.

Closing my eyes, I allowed my body to feel the bass of the music, and slowly I began to sway my hips to the beat. I was in my element, feeling the slight buzz from the previous shot I had drank. My eyes shot open at the feel of two strong arms as they wrapped around my waist, the heavenly scent of the man behind me filling my nose. After smelling that scent all week at work, I knew exactly who had joined me to dance.

Laying my head back against his shoulder, our bodies moved perfectly in sync to the beat. My hands caressed his as we swayed back and forth, leaving no space between us. I could feel him lean in closer to my neck as he whispered into my ear just loud enough for me to hear him over the music, "You look beautiful tonight..."

I turned in Kai's arms to look deep into his beautiful eyes, a soft smile gracing my features as we continued to dance. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder, eliminating the space between us. We stayed like this until the song changed and slowly we separated.

Grabbing his hand, I led him to the bar where he ordered us two more shots, quickly drinking them when the bartender slid them to us. "I'll be back beautiful, I need to go talk to someone!" he spoke and then disappeared into the crowd as I sat down at the bar stool and ordered a cocktail.

The girls joined me and ordered themselves each a drink. Lisa turned to me with a goofy grin on her face signaling her drunken state. "I saw you with Kai out there," she giggled, "he likes you!" Each of the girls agreed and my eyes widened from her statement. I'd be lying if I said I was oblivious to his affection, but a part of me didn't want to acknowledge it. Jimin and I are in a rough spot, but I'm not a cheater. I've never liked that whole idea of hurting someone just to have a fleeting lover. If someone wants to cheat, they should just break up with the person they are with first. It's not hard to do the right thing...and in this situation, I have no desire to leave Jimin. Our situation is stressful but I love him.

"Earth to Y/N!" Jisoo snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me from my mind spiraling. I let out an embarrassed laugh, taking a long gulp of my cocktail. "S-sorry, I got caught up in my thoughts I guess.." Lisa leaned forwarded, staring deep into my eyes, "Do you like him Y/N? You two looked perfect together out there on the dance floor!"

I quickly shook my head no, taking another gulp of my drink. My buzz was slowly turning into a drunken state, Thank God! "No, I only like him as a friend...I have a boyfriend, Park Jimin." Each of the girls eyes widen at my statement. Before I could explain, my phone started to vibrate with an incoming call.

In a hurry, I looked at the screen and quickly excused myself, running to the bathroom for some privacy.


"Hey Princess"


"What is that loud noise in the background? Where are you?

"I-I went o-out with some friends"

"Are you drunk right now???"

I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Go home now Y/N! I'm not asking. Get your ass out of that club or I swear..."

"No Jimin, I-"

"No? No!? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Let me guess, Kai and Chanyeol are there aren't they?"

"J-Jimin they are just my frie-"

"Tell you what Princess, if you want to go around being a slut while I'm gone, have fun! I'll do the same!"

"Jimin wait! I'll go ho-"


He hung up on me.

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