Ch 57 Long Chapter (Sorry)

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After my long hot shower and much thought of my life falling apart, I started to get ready for my shift at the cafe today. Thanks to my moment of anger, I needed to stop by the store on my way to work and buy a new phone, so I planned to leave a little bit early.

Mentally preparing myself to the day, I made sure to find an outfit that would make me feel confident and sexy. I refuse to let this get me down. If Jimin wants to kick me to the curb and move on to some quick fuck, I can't stop him. The love I feel for him is there, and it won't be as easy for me to let him go, but I'm not about to sit at home crying my eyes out for the next month. I don't deserve to; I deserve happiness.

Doing a double take in the mirror, I admired my makeup that I had somehow done to perfection. I guess anger and focus can do that for you. My eyeliner wings were just the right thickness to make me feel like a goddess. Blowing myself a sassy kiss in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and left the dorm.


With my new phone in hand, I headed towards the cafe with a pep in my step. The looks I was getting from total strangers added to my confidence.

When the savory aroma of the cafe filled my nose as I opened the door, I closed my eyes and let out a calming breath. Let's get this shit started!

Kai immediately rushed to me when he saw my small frame enter through the door. "Y/N! You're okay! I've been trying to get ahold of you. Why did you leave without saying anything last night??" The concern on his face warmed my heart. It was nice to feel like someone cared, even if that person wasn't Jimin.

Before I could speak, Kai pulled me into a tight hug and soothingly rubbed my back, "I'm so glad you're okay Y/N, I was so worried something bad had happened." I could feel tears slowly fill up my eyes, but quickly I made them go away. I refuse to cry!

"I-I'm okay Kai. My phone broke and I had to get a new one. I d-didn't mean to not say goodbye..." Kai gave me a warm smile and released me from his embrace, pulling me back to the kitchen. Immediately I noticed Chanyeol hard at work, and the instant our eyes met, he rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

I pushed myself from his embrace, "You guys, I'm fine. Honestly...let's just get to work okay?" I couldn't bare to fake my happiness with them in this exact moment. I just needed to start my shift and busy myself with work. Giving both boys a gentle smile, I turned and left the kitchen, grabbing my apron as I walked into the dining room of the cafe to greet my first customers.


Halfway through my shift, I decided it was time to take my break. Quickly, I made myself a drink and went out back to the patio behind the cafe, pulling out my phone from my apron as I sat down. My eyes widened at the notifications lighting up my new phone as I sat down.

Where are you Y/N, I tried calling you earlier but it went straight to your voicemail. Please let me know when you get this. I need to know you're okay...

I fucked up Y/N. I need to talk to you.

Please Princess, don't shut me out.

I'm sure you've seen the tabloids by now, but it isn't all true. Please just give me a chance to explain.

Unconsciously, I felt myself slowly reply to his messages.

What do you want Jimin? I'm busy.

Before I could sit my phone down on the table and take a sip of my drink, my phone pinged with an instant notification.

Can I call you?

No, I'm busy.

With what?

You don't get to ask me that. You broke up with me last night and found someone else...remember?

I was upset. I didn't sleep with her Y/N. I was an idiot and made a mistake. Please let me call you.

That wasn't a mistake Jimin. You knew exactly what you were doing.

So you're done with me? Just like that? I thought you loved me...

I could feel anger rising in my throat. I wanted to scream out at the top of my lungs. Who the fuck does he think he's talking to? He cheated on me! Furiously, I dialed his number, waiting impatiently as he finally picked up.

"H-hello? Y/N?"

"How dare you question my love for you, you asshole. I didn't do anything to deserve any of this."

"I'm sorry Prince-"

"Don't. You lost the privilege of calling me anything other than my name."

"I didn't sleep with her Y/N, I got drunk and made out with some girl."

"So the picture of you two walking hand in hand towards your hotel was a part of my imagination?"

" um, when we got there, I r-realize I was about to make a huge mistake and I m-made her leave. Please Princess, I'm a fuck up. I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you..."

"You made it clear that you don't give a shit about me, Jimin. I could never do something like that to you!"

"You did though. None of this would have happened if you hadn't been grinding all over Kai in the club. His hands were all over you!"

" did you know I was DANCING with Kai?"


"How the fuck did you know I was dancing with Kai. Jimin, I swear to God. Did you have someone there spying on me???"


"So now you're lying about it. Awesome. Well let me feel you in on what your little spy didn't see. I did dance with Kai, but that was it. He hit on me and I didn't say anything back to him. Instead I went to the bar where his friends filled me in on the little crush he has on me to which I told EVERYONE THAT I'M HAPPILY WITH YOU!"

"So you didn't kiss him?"

"No you asshole! I would have never cheated on you...but I guess you can't same the same thing, so thanks for that."

"I'll come home Y/N, I'll come home right now. Please, I fucked up, but I want to make it right. I love you!"

"Have fun on the rest of your tour Jimin. I have to go back to work. I'll see you when you get home."

"No Y/N wait don't hang u-"

I couldn't keep talking to him. Tears were falling down my face and just from the tone of his voice I knew I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him much longer. Even with everything he had done to me, I still longed for him to come home. I miss him...

Silently, I wiped a tear from my cheek when a voice startled me, "I'm sorry Y/N. I saw the tabloids on my way to work. I knew you weren't okay when you walked in this morning, but I'm glad you're here..."

Chanyeol slowly walked over and sat down across from me. He reached out and grabbed my hand into his, rubbing soothing circles on my skin. "I'm here for you Y/N. Seeing you like this breaks my heart." I gave him a soft smile, "Thank you for not saying anything in front of everyone. I really didn't want to cry today."

"I know this probably isn't the right time, and I hate to see you this way, but you look beautiful Y/N, even when you're crying..."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was he hitting on me?

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