Ch. 25 Confusion

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The pong ball rolled around the rim of the last cup on the table, and slowly sank down into the alcoholic liquid inside. Once completely settled, the room erupted with cheers, and Jungkook picked me up by my waist, swinging me around in circles to celebrate. "Youuu did it Nooonaa! We won again!" He cheered, holding me tightly in his strong embrace. After my feet were firmly planted back on the soft carpet, I focused my eyes over to our losing opponents. Jimin and Suga chugged down another beer to pay for the third time losing at beer pong to Jungkookie and me. I blew a seductive kiss to the both of them, rubbing the victory in their faces.

Jimin rolled his eyes and Suga just stared at me dumbfounded. Grabbing my drink on the table, I took a proud sip and then addressed the room, slurring my words every so perfectly, "Okay, whosnext???" No one said a words. By now, we had all been drinking for hours and everyone had more than reached their limit for alcohol consumption. My eyes met Jungkook's and he had a big bunny grin on his face, "I think they're scared Noona!" We both laughed while everyone stared at us with the nastiest glares they could muster in their intoxicated states.

"Fiiiiiiiiine, it's getting late anyways," I whined, "I think I'm gonna call it a night and go watch a movie to help me fall asleep." Somehow, everyone made a decision to join me. Grabbing a pillow and a blanket, I found my way over to the big couch and plopped myself down. As I unfolded the blanket, I felt the couch cushion dip beside me with one of the boys. "Y/N, I'm going to sit by you.....Jimin will get over it." My eyes widened to see a cocky grin on Suga's face.

Tonight had been so much fun, and I was't about to ruin it by making Jimin jealous with another member, so I quickly grabbed my pillow and blanket and stoodd, moving to another spot in the living room. Suga eyed me with a look of anger, "Why don't you want to sit next to me Y/N?" he questioned. By now, Jimin was looking at the both of us wondering what the hell was going on, but I was just as confused. Immediately, I tried to ease the situation, "I want to sleep next to Jimin, Suga...I don't mind moving so that you can still sleep on the couch." He rolled his eyes and let out a huff. Everyone was too drunk to understand what was wrong with Suga, and personally I was just as confused. Why was he suddenly acting this way?

Jimin made a pallet in the floor filled with thick pillows and blankets. Once he finally played down, he opened his arms urging me to come lay down with him. The warm blanket wrapped around us, and someone flicked the lights off to create a movie theater setting. The light from the big screen tv illuminated the room and the sound from the movie filled our ears. I snuggled up against Jimin, inhaling the sweet yet masculine scent that is...him. I looked up into his tired eyes and gave him a butterfly kiss with my nose. He gave me a cute smile that almost made his eyes seem to disappear. "Thank you for doing this for me tonight Jimin. It means everything to me." He held me tighter and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck as he mumbled, "I'd do anything for you Princess." Within minutes, I drifted off to sleep, oblivious to the man in the room staring at Jimin and I with jealousy in his eyes. Little did I know that in a few hours, things is this dorm would get heated...and not in a good way.

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