Painful Accidents

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Of course, Ryan didn't fall asleep for even a second the whole night. His blood shot eyes watched the moon sink into the sky and the sun slowly rise. He stayed tied up, unmoving, and completely hopeless. The sound of the bedroom door opening nearly made him top the chair.

"Morning sunshine. Sleep well?" The taller man cane into view, walking past Ryan and into the kitchen behind him.

"Please let me leave. I won't tell anyone. Please."

Shane yawned. "See, that wasn't my question." Ryan could hear the man opening a fridge behind him. "And your family hasn't paid up yet, so can't do that anyway. Hungry?"

"I need to get back to my family. Please. They're worried about me." Tears threatened to spill from Ryan's eyes.

"Yeah, judging by the lack of urgency in responding to me, I'm not completely sure of that. Now are you hungry, or not? I'm not going to ask again." It didn't really sound threatening, but the way he said it still put Ryan on edge.


"Suit yourself." Shane walked past him, sitting on the couch in the living room. The casual manner in which he sat there and watched TV made Ryan's blood boil. It was even enough to override his fear, if just for a second.

"Let me fucking go!"

The tall man turned to look at him, his face barley readable. He looked confused but...not mad?


Ryan had less confidence the second time around. "I said l-let me go."

Shane got up slowly, walking over to the chair. "Yeah, you see, that's not going to happen."  He pushed back the chair, so the front legs were off the floor and Ryan was leaning backwards. "Not until I get my money. I can keep you here as long as I need to. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it." The taller man let go on the chair, expecting it to fall forwards dramatically to give Ryan a little scare. Instead, he miscalculated how far he tipped it and the chair was sent backwards. It hit the floor before he could even realize. "Shit!"

Ryan groaned as he hit the floor, the back of his head hitting the wooden panels under him. He could instantly feel himself get dizzy.

Shane quickly picked the chair back up, putting his hand to the back of Ryan's head. "Fuck! Your bleeding. Hold on." Ryan saw the man leave the room as felt himself slip out of consciousness.

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