Impossible Promises

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Ryan sat in the police station with a foil blanket around his shoulders. He had assured the officer that he didn't need it, but after he insisted over and over Ryan decided it wasn't worth it to fight. He stayed in his chair, staring at the tile floor. He could not believe what just happened.

The worst part of the whole situation had been the way Shane looked at him. There was no anger in his eyes, at least none that Ryan could see. There was only hurt. Regret. Fear. Shane had put every ounce of trust he had into Ryan's hands and it was all for nothing. He didn't even get the chance to explain himself to the other man. Ryan wanted so badly to tell him he didn't know that the police started tracking his phone as soon as he turned it on, that he didn't mean for all this to happen. In a matter of minutes Shane was being carted off in a police car to god knows where. He could be in the same station as Ryan or he could be miles away in a different jail. Ryan had no idea.

It took Ryan's family just under 4 hours to get from California to Illinois. They came into the police station in an overwhelming swarm, drowning him in their mix of worry and affection. Ryan did his best to console them, though he felt like that was a bit ironic considering they weren't the ones who had gotten kidnapped. He didn't feel as relieved as he thought he'd be. Him being found meant life would go back to normal. Ryan couldn't shake the fact that he didn't want his normal life anymore.

Ryan jumped when one of the officers grabbed his shoulders.

"Sorry, son. We need to ask you some questions. Would you be willing to talk to Shane Madej in order to get a confession?"


The handcuffs were digging into Shane's wrists in the worst way. He sat impatiently on the bench in his cell, his foot tapping against the floor. He had caught a glimpse of Ryan as he was guided to into the station, but he didn't think the other man saw him. He knew the officer probably made sure of it for Ryan's "safety".

Everything was so messed up. Shane knew this was it. There was no way out. Ryan made the decision to give him up to the police and honestly, Shane understood why he did it. He's kidnapped the poor boy and held him against his will. Shane knew he was an idiot for thinking it could have gone any other way. Even if just for a second Ryan made him feel like he wasn't the monster he made himself out to be. He was stupid to let himself think that someone saw who he really was, someone who just wanted to escape the world he was in. Ryan didn't feel the way Shane thought he did. He was scared of him. He did what he had to in order to be free. Anything else Shane had interpreted it as had been wrong. So why did he still want to see him?

The loud creak of the cell door swinging open startled Shane out of his thoughts. An officer came in, pulling the man to his feet by his arm. He was led to a plain looking room with a small desk and two chairs, one of which he was sat in. The officer unlocked one side of his handcuffs, re-locking it around one leg of the table. He left without a word and Shane was left alone, staring at the one way window across the table. He couldn't stand to look at himself right now.

The door handle started to turn and Shane groaned, thinking he'd have to actually talk with the officer now. Instead, he saw a familiar face enter the room. Ryan took the seat across from him, staring down at his lap.

They sat in silence for a while. Shane eventually broke the tension.

"Why are you in here?"

Ryan returned the question with a shrug. "They wanted me to talk to you."

Shane sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm sorry, Shane. I really am. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Are you seriously apologizing to me right now?" Shane laughed dryly, no humor behind it. "After what I did? Ryan you realize I-" His sentence when stopped when Ryan grabbed his free hand, letting out a shhh under his breath and gesturing to the camera in the corner of the room. Shane nodded and the other man took his hand back. "Don't be sorry. I understand why you did what you did. It makes sense and I was stupid for thinking it could have gone any other way."

"I didn't do it Shane. They tracked my phone. I didn't know. I promise you. This isn't how I wanted anything to go."

Shane looked up at Ryan, seeing tears fall from his eyes. He knew he was telling the truth. "It's okay. I know. Don't be sorry alright? This is all my fault. I'll deal with it."

The door opened and the officer came back into the room, taking Ryan's arm. He guided him up and walked him towards the door, Ryan taking a look back before he was out of the room. "I'm going to fix this Shane. I promise."

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