The Human Angel Chapter 1:

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Okies.....This is my very first story....

 -The Human Angel- 

 *******Chapter 1********

Ariel's POV:

"Angels existed long before everything on earth was created. They are special kind of species that the God had created before men and women. They have majestic wings which enable them to fly around travelling to where they are appointed to go. In another words they are created with the purpose of being the Messengers." My eyes could not bare to leave my laptop screen while reading the information about angels. Why am I suddenly interested in Angels? Seriously I myself didn't know the reason as well. 

Hi, I'm Ariel an ordinary 20 year old chinese singaporean girl who is still studying for my diploma in Mass Communication. Wait! perhaps I'm not so ordinary since my life was messier than my friends. I drop out of my polytechnic bringing my parents dissapointment, then i proceed to work part time to study business course and again I quit that study. And again my parents were utterly dissapointed with me for not being able to be like my friends studying in polytechnic for diploma eventhough they didn't like their course as well. 

Well I'm just not like them, I will not do what I dislike or when I think I could not continue it, I would not want to waste my time. And they did not know that, all they think is that I should not drop out in the first place. Always nagging the whole time around my ears that I could not get my peace even in my room, so I went to worked full time for five unbearing months before I went to my current course now. Why five unbearing months? I dislike the job yet I need the money its that simple. 

My awakening starts a few months ago when I was still 19 and  playing with photoshop again manipulating photos and fantasy backgrounds. I had my photo in this beautiful full moon background and was thinking that something is missing. Unknowingly i find myself searching for pictures of black wings. 

" Black wings....ah this is perfect.... hmm save picture" clicking on the save picture button and waiting for it to download. "alrighty! now photoshoppe" I grinned having my fun making the black wings to be at my back. Enjoying my 'master piece' I suddenly had an overwhelm feeling to go research on angel.  " Wow look like the wings are really mine to have... it right?" i murmured still staring at the photoshop picture. 

" Ariel! come out for Dinner!" there my mum scream out loud from her kitchen again disrupting my fun time. She always love to do that and from the kitchen to my room is two rooms apart and she thinks she have to scream her lungs out to get to my ear. "Argh! I know...I know!" I snapped right back at her still not moving from my laptop in my oh-so-unpeace-room now.  My mother who still haven't seen me in the kitchen for 5 mins decided to scream again. "ARIEL!!! I said COME TO THE KITCHEN NOW!!!! " Knitting my brow with irritation i reluntantly left my laptop before walking over to the kitchen sulking all the way. "Why can't you give me just a moment of Peace?" I snorted.

"PEACE? Does Peace feeds you? That Peace will land you in hospital sooner or later!" she snapped at my restort. I glare at her angryily. "do you have to curse me like that? I'm your daughter for goodness sake" I said sitting down and look at the dishes again. " What?! Onion fried Egg again?! Mummmm don't you ever get tired of cooking this?" I groaned looking at the egg.  "Eat it or leave it your choice." She answered sitting down for dinner as well. Tonight my dad and sister were not home for dinner so it is just me and my mum. Right me alone to tolerate her naggings which could be describe as a radio with spoilt 'off ' button that could not off it. 

 The whole dinner session turns to her speech session as usual nagging about the same old things. "This time you have a chance to study again using your own hardearn money, make sure you complete the whole course and don't drop out again. You want us to support you, next time would have to see your behavior and results understand?" I nodded with 'erm' sound still eating, " If you have not drop out last time, you would have a better life already. I tell you if you drop out again you are really living a wasted life.... your father and I were so regret of signing the paper for you to drop out. Auntie Jennifer says she would never had allow that to her son......." she goes on and nag. I sigh silently listening to all these over and over again for i think about 100 times. Why can't she get over it? Like I would freaking quit my course now? I thought rolling my eyes inwardly. " I won't quit this time. Its my own freaking money for the school fee."  I  answered back after i finish my dinner and washed my dishes before rushing back to my room to continue my very own research. 

 Researching for a few websites in google I came to a page that caught my eyes and entire attention. And that website is about...... the Angel Of Death.

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