The Human Angel Chapter 4:

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Hmm if you ever read.... please comment because I wanted to improve and hopefully make the story better. Thanks.

 *******Chapter 4********

It's been a month since my first day of school with the new course I studied (diploma in Mass Communication), so far I had only make one friend Aina. I always have this difficulty in making friends and utterly hate the first day of school to the max because everything would be very unfamiliar to me. Nobody really came to talk to me, well truth to be told a few guys came to chat but I didn't really continue chatting with them since I am kind of feeling awkward. Anyway they wouldn't really my type, I'm not their type either I guess?

The feeling of being alone really sucks, sometimes I called my buddies Japhne Tannish and Janet Mars to chat and spend my time away during school break. They are my best friends in my secondary school and yes you may have already guess it. The three of us is also isolated from the rest also the 'left out' one in our class. In projects we are often the last to get into groups because well the rest of the class is evenly spread and we had to join another isolated group which we don't really like them. The feeling of being 'picked' by people is really depressing and angry at the same time. But anyway those were the past which I don't really want to go into it further more.

I looked at my ipod for the time and it shows 3.30pm. Time for class and as usual I'm already sitting in class for the pass fifteen minute. I never was late for the afternoon class and in fact I would always be fifteen minute early. My lecturer came in starting the class now and I took out my textbook staring at the board as he wrote. 30 mins went by, I was half listening half checking on my facebook and forums for any new update. Yes multitasking is always been my skill and what the lecturer teach I had already know it so my attention was more to my ipod. " Heys Azrael! boring much eh?" Gabriel suddenly appeared in my mind. "You Bet! that lecturer had been talking the same thing over and over again for the past 30 min. Freaking can't wait for break time man! gee. So what's up?" I answered him in my mind as I put down my ipod and taking notes just for the sake of copying notes." Heys you better study this well, our creator give you this chance to study don't waste it. Anyway I came to inform you that Lucifer had come to know about your situation already so you better becareful." He added." What?! Lucifer?! so what did he want with me?"I freaked out and unknowingly bump the table with my fist.

Aina who was sitting beside me was shock at my sudden banging of table. Actually not only her, but it catches the attention of my lecturer as well as the whole class. " Ariel is anything troubling you?" my lecturer ask looking at me with his confuse eyes. I was still in a daze when Aina nudge me gently," Ariel what happen?" she whispered. I shook my head slightly, "erm nothing...nothing much... Sorry.." I answered with an embarrass smile to the lecturer." Ok.... Ariel please pay attention because this will come out for exam" He added before turning back to the board and continue his teaching, The eyes of my classmates continue to stare at me for a moment before turning their attention back to the lecturer. I could feel the warmest rise up to my face, how I wish I could find a hole and jump into it. Damn this is so embarrasing, biting my lips I try to pretend to write. " Damn you Gab! its all your fault! " I blame it on Gabriel with a sulking face for a second thinking that he could see my sulking face. " Hellooo how is it my fault now? Its you who is not careful. Seriously I hope you won't end up like the Primary school time. That time you were really hillarious." Gabriel answered with a smirk. Primary school time! oh I seriously hate that memory, because that it the time when I was wrong all the way.

I could remember when I first started primary 1, there was a big sister who thinks I'm cute and treat me an ice cream. But before I could open the wrapper and eat it, the recess bell rings indicating the end of recess time. In a rush, I put my ice cream in my lunch box planning to bring it back home to enjoy. Standing under the hot sun for a while not realizing the ice cream is slowly melting I even put the whole lunch box containing my ice cream in my bag. When I was about to go home, my friend saw the dripping liquid that was leaking out of my bag. Tapping my shoulder, " Heys why is there leaking liquid out of your bag? what is inside?" she asked. At that time the little blur me smile excitedly at her, " Ice cream! i'm going to bring the ice cream home!" I answered. Immediately she point at me and laugh, " HAHAHAHAHA OH MY GAUD! Ariel your ice cream is gone! "  she laughed and skip away telling everybody about it. When I got home, my mum was shock at my wet bag and pour everything out of my bag. There I saw my lunch box open as well as one ice cream stick and my soiled books all over the floor. " Ariel! What Happen? Did you put ice cream in your bag?! you buy ice cream and put in your bag? LOOK! Your books! OH GOSH! " She screamed in shock.

I was of course shocked and scared when she scream, tears begin to welled up in my eyes flowing down freely to my cheek. " I didn't buy ice cream... the neighbour sister treat me ice cream and i bring home" I murmured explaining in between tears and sobbing. That day I had cause my mother lots of trouble washing and drying my books as well as my bag. There I cried and Gabriel just cooed me in my mind calming down. 

Then another case when I was in Primary 3, I didn't know why just a small little argument causes me to fight with my classmate. And my teacher was shocked when he sees us fighting with me pushing him to the ground tackling him and he grab my uniform. That is my very first fight with a guy for your information. " Ariel! Syed! Stop fighting!" he shouted at us, at that time I was so shocked because I didn't know this is call fighting. All I knew at that time was he bully me he deserve to be push to the ground.  Luckily we wasn't sent to the principal office because we stop immediately and the teacher is understanding enough. But when my mum heard it she was very angry and what she does later makes me really upset. She actually called my form teacher to send me to the princple office! I could still clearly remember the tone she use on me, "Ariel, your mum call me to send you to principal  office. So you follow me down later."  I was so utterly shocked and scared that I immediately cried. At that age principal to me is someone who didn't care anything and just cane whoever that goes in his office. One super big monster man with canes of different size to cane children especially boys. So when my teacher announced it, everyone in my class turn to me in shock as well. But because of my crying, the teacher take pity on me and decided to let me go instead. 

When I was in Primary 6, I make a really big mistake yet I didn't know it until I finish my primary education. I had a tutor to teach me english and that tutor is the only one who wasn't angry with me. Ok to be honest I'm a really bad girl, I purposely make my tutors angry by pranking them so I could don't need to stay there studying  and in the end they decided not to teach me which of course give me the achievement feelings in my young heart. This tutor who stayed gave me a composition book, and I didn't prank him because the b ook he gave me is the exact question of my homework. At that time I spare him pranks because he gave me such an useful book and I copy the whole answer into my homework.  Hanging it up happily the next day and was thinking finally this time I could get praised by such good work which is not mine. Then a few days later instead of getting praise, my english teacher scolded me right infront of the class and make me stay back in the end trying to bring me to the principal office. I didn't know why and what I had done wrong at that time, all i know is to cry and soften her heart.  I don't want to be send to that "butt-caning obsess monster" so I tag her arms even try to run. 

She caught on to my bag, and finally my mum came. Shaking her head at the sight of my mum's disapprove face to me she decided to just tell my mum and ask me to redo my work. Back at home, my mum told my tutor everything about what happen in school. During the tutoring session, I hung my head low in shame waiting for him to reprimand me as well but to my surprise he didn't! He still smile at me with the understanding smile and chat with me eventually bringing me to church. At first I was so scared of going to church but Gabriel spoke in my head saying I should go and there I begin to go to church.  That tutor is the one who bring me back to the world I belong in and also he manage to tolerate my bad temper which is really amazing.  Yes I'm really a bad temper girl who fights all the time even with adults when I was at the age of 5 using knifes and mop good thing I didn't kill anyone. Hahas. 

As I zoom back from the flashing memories, the class has ended. "  Well don't feel are indifferent. And whats more we angels don't really know ice cream and that time you just descended on earth for 7 years still trying to adapt to the human world. Although its funny but Azrael, look to the front. They are just humans, forget about how they treated you badly ok?"  There gabriel consoled me again. " Yup I know.... eventhough I would pretty much want a revenge but you are right." I answered back in mind while packing my bag. " Don't revenge! He wouldn't like it and you would have to suffer more before you could return back! by the way I think you should beware of Lucifer from today onwards."  He said his part and gone again leaving me dazing as I walked slowly. Aina wave her hand infront of me, "Ariel! back to earth! I would go that way see you tomorrow!" she grinned cheerfully before waving goodbye to me. :: Tomorrow? I don't even know what will happen tomorrow...:: I thought reflecting of what Gabriel had said. :: What did lucifer want from me?::  

Next chapter! the famous Lucifer time! 

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