The Human Angel Chapter 3:

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 *******Chapter 3********

Ariel POV: 

After the researching of angels and the photo manipulation, seven rows in a night I had this very weird dream. The very same one, i mean exactly the same one for the front part of the dream. I dreamt that I was lying on my bed and in the environment of a forest. I couldn't move on my bed, it feels like I had been tied down to it with some invisible rope or something. Being in the middle of the forest just make it worst, the unfamiliar environment causes me to feel really scared. The sky was dark with lightnings and thunders constantly striking and I prayed that it won't strike me. I don't want to die...not right is this place? where am I? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! don't strike me! NOOOOOOO! I tried to scream but there is no sound out of my mouth. It feels like I am muted that makes my fear grew even more. By then I already had tears streaming down my face while watching the sky helplessly. 

Then from the sky floated down a electric purple bubble with something inside. Since it is still high up above, I couldn't see it clearly. And the purple bubble is floating towards my side and now above me and dropping in incredible high speed. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm going to die! NOOOOO AHHHHHHH!  I was really terrified! I could even hear my heartbeat racing to the speed that it almost jump out of my mouth. My eyes were widely open when it came towards me, what I saw inside was an black wing angel with such beautiful handsome face along with nicely cut bronde hair and side burns.. His eyes was closed like he is sleeping peacefully half naked only wearing a black pants. So handsome that it makes my stomach fluttered as well and my face blush slightly, that angel is just my type. But when the purple bubble was nearer to me like hanging above me, I shut my eyes tightly not daring to see what happen after that. 

I felt  a sting of coldness all over my body and woke up. I had kicked my blanket down my bed again and the air conditional chill me to my bones. I rubbed my eyes relieve that it is just a dream, seriously that really frighten me but thinking of the angel in the purple bubble it just makes my heart wonders. Patting my pillow I realize that there is a spot of my pillow is wet! so I did tear while dreaming. Did I scream in my dream? I doubt so since no one came in my room to wake me up. I couldn't put to pieces about the face of the angel because after I woke up I could not clearly remember how he look like but just know that he is very beautiful. 

Then my alarm snapped me right back to reality from my dreamy thoughts, looking at my ipod which says 9.30am. Stretching my self, I kissed my booster which I name it Ruby goodbye before getting off my bed. My booster is my favorite thing on my bed, it had accompany me all the way from my primary school to secondary school until now which is around 10 years now. I named it because sometimes it act like my best friend sitting silently listening to me and I could hug it whole day. I didn't have a teddy bear to do so like other girls so ruby is a substitute to teddy bear. 

Washing up in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and checking my eyes for any thing unpleasant before washing my face. Combing my messy brown long hair I do my usual posing in front of the mirror. My sister came in the room just as I was combing and push me aside, " forget it sis, no matter how you comb your hair it will still look messy because you just don't know the right way to comb hair." she said smirking while combing her hair. Damn it! how could she say that? I'm freaking older than her, such rudeness. " shut up, you aren't better either. And I come here first! you Shoo! " I pushed her back standing in front of the mirror. And she even had the nerves to give me that annoying smirk on her face, " Whatever, I'm done. Byeeee happy combing" she grinned walking out of the room whistling a tune. 

I scorn at her, there she always love to spoil my mood.  I didn't know how to comb hair? that's rubbish! I thought looking at myself in the mirror , satisfied with myself I went out of the room and go to the kitchen for breakfast. In my household the breakfast were just  wheatmeal bread, cheese and coffee, tea or oatmeal. I dislike those because I'm one of western style, I prefer western breakfast with scrambled egg, toasted bread, sausage. Because of this I didn't really eat much for breakfast instead I only drink oatmeal. "you should really have bread for breakfast. Breakfast is important......." my mum who is still in her blue pyjamas with flower bits nagging away at me for my 'little' breakfast. "I'm not hungry. And this does not fit my appetite" I answered plainly quickly going back to my room to change into clothes that I usually wear for school which is jeans and t-shirt. Yes I'm a plain jeans and t-shirt girl who wear no make up and doesn't want to be like other girls who put lots of make up. Why do I even need a make up? I'm happy with my face, flawless with no pimples is what my friends always describe my face. 

Picking up my bag that I have already packed yesterday wearing it over my shoulder and out I go saying a good bye to my mum and left for school. My school is quite far considering that my schools used to be only a walking distance to my house and now I had to take a long journey of the train. Sitting on the train, gabriel talked to me again " remember the dream you had for seven days in a row? the black wing angel? he is my brother." he shared. Looking around the train at the passengers before I decided to reply him in mind. "Yea? your brother? and he is falling on me!" I answered back in mind, looking at my ipod as a show. "yup and you still don't get it? He falls on you! and don't you got any idea of it? like who you really are?"  he prompted again. Now he had set me on thinking, the black angel is his brother well every angel is his brother of course and he falls on me.... so... that makes me... wait! so I'm the black angel then? I thought, my eyes lits up suddenly making one of the passenger stare at my sudden eye movement. I looked away again into my ipod, "so I'm actually the black angel?" I asked wanting to clear things out. " Finally you get it! WEll Azrael welcome back!" Gabriel answered with some chuckling. Azrael? so the black wing angel is named Azrael? Azrael! the angel of death.... and he's me! wait I'm a girl how could it be? I thought "Yes well the Creator decided to let you have a female body so..." he answered snickering. I froze for a slight moment at that, so I'm actually suppose to be a male then? wow its shocking that I tried to absorb the information I had just got. 

When I wanted to ask again, Gabriel was not there anymore. Perhaps he was busy with his missions and such. Very well he had successfully set me thinking on my way to school. 

Will continue later.

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