The Human Angel Chapter 11:

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*******Chapter 11********

I didn't know why but I couldn't help myself thinking that maybe Lucifer wasn't that bad. All these days he had been acting like a loving boyfriend to me without my permission though. Somehow it makes me feel that he somehow just fit in as in I'm already gotten used to seeing him everyday. Maybe that is his purpose or something making me fell in love with him? I smack my forehead hardly trying to jerk myself awake. :: Damn! this couldn't be. I could not fall into this trick he had set. I know he is Lucifer and he is trying to kill me last time! I couldn't fell for it...NO WAY!:: I thought. 

Gabriel seems to have been very busy recently that he only pops by my mind for a certain 10 min and proof he goes off. Occasionally telling me to hold on to my stand and don't fell for it. I know that of course, but with Lucifer constantly acting as Lucien being my boyfriend just keep hitting hard on me. There is no one so close to me before, not in my whole life have I had a boyfriend. Ok well I admit there is one which I don't really count because I was just playing around with him since I didn't at all like him that much. He treat me well but I don't give a shit though just constantly sweet talk him. Japhne knew it since she heard me speak the three words 'i love you' to him through the phone before when we are in our home econ class break time. 

But after break up, I kept denying that fact because I was actually playing him and refuse to admit it. It makes me feels disgusted with myself for just saying those three words easily. Well thinking of it, I'm glad I broke out with him though because I couldn't stand the weird me using him relationship anymore trying to force myself to like him. That time I was younger and wasn't at all experience and yes I'm a player who play with feelings unknowingly. Lucien could be my first ever boyfriend though I think I kind of love him somehow. Its been almost 8 months that we had been 'dating' and it wasn't good because I could feel myself really falling for him. I wonder how long I could hold on to and I need Gabriel to help me. 

Since I was in my room, my parents were out with my sister which makes me alone at home at night. Nobody could hear me or care if I look like I'm talking to myself, so I boldly try for the very first time call Gabriel physically. " Gab! Gab! where are you?! I need you! Really need you! I don't know if I could hold on any longer...this is getting bad! really bad!" I called out to him while sitting down on the floor hugging my knee. I'm really confused and scared at what I'm about to face and what my heart is telling me. 

I sat there for a long time waiting and waiting, then strong wind blew out of nowhere making my hair flew everywhere. When the wind stop, I opened my eyes thinking that it might be lucifer again trying to tempt me or something when I saw a different face. Golden hair, alluring blue eyes with white wings behind which he makes it go away before kneeling to my height. He is not lucifer, definitely not....he is Gabriel. " Azrael.... I'm here. Its alright." he cooed as he pulls me into a hug. Its the first time that I had seen gabriel appear right in front of me. Many times I had dream of meeting him physically and how it would be. But now I experience it and it gives me of a familiar feeling, right of course familiar since afterall I'm also an angel. 

"Gab... with lucifer acting as lucien acting like my boyfriend loving me like a boyfriend does, i'm really afraid that I might not be able to control myself and falls for him." I whined to him. " Stay strong in your heart Azrael. Whatever he does, he tries to make you falls for him. You know his ultimate motive don't you? I knew his temptation power is really coming strong and hard on you. But don't worry, i'll be with you more often from now on since the Creator approve it" he answered with a smile. " but how? spiritually like we are all the time?" I asked with confused look. He give me his radiant smile and shook his head. "i'ma give you a surprise." he chuckled. 

I love his chuckling sound, now that he is here physically I could really lean on him for support. After all he is my third brother in heaven. " Gab, will I get back my handsome look after I finish my experience on earth?" I asked curiously. That is what I had always been thinking, would I change back to how I use to look like or stuck with this girl appearance that I have now. Somehow I hope to have my handsome appearance back yet I would definitely miss my current appearance. " Well that, I'm not sure. Maybe our Heavenly Father would let you choose?" he suggested with a smile holding me to him. 

It feels good chatting with Gabriel because he is really a great brother, but good times always don't last very long. Another strong wind blew in my room and Gabriel was shielding the effect with his sudden spurge of his wings. After that he makes he unfold his wing and there stood Lucifer staring at us. I saw Gabriel's eyes narrowed at the sight of lucifer, " Lucifer, I believe azrael is strong enough not to tempt by you. So perhaps you would be going back with disappointment. " Gabriel spoke in a stern voice. Lucifer smirked at him like he didn't really care, " oh really? is this how you speak to your big brother, little Gab? no matter what you are always number three and could never win me" he answered trying to annoy Gabriel. 

When I thought Gabriel might flared out or something to that, what surprise me is instead of being angry he gave him a smile. " well our ex big brother, I think I should remind you that from the day you defied our Heavenly Father, he kicked you out of our household. You turn your back to His kindness, love and grace and talked the other brothers to follow you raising war between us. You cause our conflicts at the beginning and was rather disowned. So now whether you are the first of us being created, any of us with His backing we could defeat you. Still remember how Michael drove you out?" he answered with a smile of victory spread across his face. 

Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Gabriel obviously crossed that he had brought up the time he was drove out again. " Very well, but remember you all won't be having your ways any longer. Mark my words, we will stand up again and overthrown all of you." he said in between his gritted teeth. Wow look like he is going to flare out soon, lucifer turn to look at me with a smile. " Azzy, if you join me you will have a special place beside me on the throne" he offered holding out his hand to me. I glared at him and smack his hand away, " No way am I going to want that. Our Heavenly Father offers me a better place with him. " I answered plainly not even looking at him. Lucifer smirk at my answer, " how could you be sure of that? I won't give up on you. And admit it you are falling for me don't you? we really make a good couple you know? If you like we can get married on earth and rule the earth." he tried to tempt me again approaching me. 

Gabriel step forward putting himself in between us, " stop your way lucifer, you had lose and will continue losing forever. Coming back to overthrown us? Well we will wait for that. Now leave before I get Michael here" he threaten yet in a smooth tone which amaze me. How did he do that? oh well he is an angel and me I'm an angel as well but was spending time in human world making me adapt to the human emotions and such. Lucifer shake his head and sneered at us before he wrap himself with his wings and disappear.  Turning to me, Gabriel gave me an assuring smile. " No worries, Our heavenly Father love you alot. He would not let you go astray. Trust me He had His ways. you just have to follow Him." he said to me while taking my hand and pull me up. Setting me on my bed, " take a rest. I need to go. I will see you real soon" he gave me a wink before making himself disappear.  I lay back on my pillow and look up at the ceiling wondering what Gabriel mean when he said he will see me real soon. Oh well I'm anticipating that definitely. 


Next chapter: Gabriel surprises. 

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