The Human Angel Chapter 7:

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*********Chapter 7***********

I was fidgeting with the ancient watch looking at the dirty gold watch and the roman numbers.  The watch suddenly seems to be really interesting, the time was stopped at 12 whether it is 12pm in the afternoon or 12am midnight I wasn't sure. ::  Why 12? What does it imply? :: I questioned in my mind. :: And why do Lucifer had my watch?:: I thought wanting to know but there is no one now to answer me.

Its self-study day so I didn't have to go to school, slacking at home which I as a slacker normally do. Laying comfortably on the my L-shape sofa in the living room while holding my ancient watch above my face looking at it. My parents were not at home as well as my sister so that makes me alone at home. I'm the kind of person who likes to be in the dark whenever I'm alone. My paranoid mum always shut all the windows and locked the door when she went out even though i'm at home. I didn't bother to open the windows and door so the only opened window is by the kitchen. 

I didn't know why I don't feel at all stuffy without open windows and doors but it kinds of make me comfortable. Then a strong wind blew from the kitchen window which drew my attention as I sit upright.  Only then did i remembered the message that Lucifer had left for me that he will visit me tomorrow which is today. When he appeared like a cocoon make of feathers since his wings surrounded him, I wasn't at all surprise. Unwrap himself Lucifer shines his big grin at me, "So Azzy how are you today? no school? great! I want you to bring you somewhere. " He said in a cheerful tone that makes me think if he is really Lucifer. 

Nobody would ever imagine him like that, i mean he is almost like a playful boyfriend. :: Damn Azrael what are you thinking?:: I scolded myself silently. I glared at him for a moment, " no way am I going with you?" I answered crossing my arms stubbornly. Lucifer is already notorious in a way that someone would like to write a sentence 'I'm up to no good' or maybe 'i'm devil, beware of me' on his forehead.  "Really? I'm afraid you don't have a choice Azzy. You know that big brother me don't accept No." he answered with a smug while forcefully drag me up on my feet. 

I kicked and wail loudly hoping someone could help me. Kicking him real hard yet he doesn't even Wince! am I that soft?! I panicked shouting at the top of my lungs"Help! Help! Help Me!" yet nobody seems to bang on my door or something trying to save me. I was like Hello! I'm freaking getting kidnapped by this crazy kidnapper with wings and no one actually care?!  Lucifer glanced down at me with an amused face which shortly became a smug. "Looks like you don't have any neighbours here wanting to help you. And don't waste energy, your kicking doesn't affect me " he said and the next second he flipped me over his shoulder wrapping his wings around us.

During the 'travelling' wrapped around his wings across his back I could still feel the rush of wind around us. "Damn! where are you kidnapping me to?! You idiot!" I yelled at him although i'm facing his butt. "Be patient Azzy. here we are" He answered and here we are inside a what look like school hall. There are wide wooden stage with red curtains and blank screen behind as well as the wooden flooring. The doors were closed as well as the windows on top, there is no way i could escape. As he set me down sitting on stage with my dangling legs, he took a sit beside me. "Why do you bring me here? What's your motive?" I asked looking at him with my annoyed face. 

He turned to look up at the ceiling before waving his hand making a vision screen appear in the air. "Watch." he said in a smooth tone, and i abide watching. There shows the vision of an angel with black wings holding an ancient watch that was now mine. He flinched it open before murmuring an incantation making the black book of life and death as well as the quill appeared in his hand. Then to the next scene, the very same black wing angel summoning his weapon while wearing the watch around his neck. 

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