The Human Angel Chapter 8:

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**********Chapter 8*********

Today is bad day for me, not only have to worry about the white feather with blood ink message from the infamous Lucifer and I have to tolerate the whole day of my mum's extra loud naggings or should i say scoldings? Seriously for normal times like this, naggings that wasn't ear bursting loud is tolerable but suddenly the nagging became scoldings today and it is really getting on my nerves. 

" YOU WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE ME YOUR UNWASHED CLOTHES NOW?! WHY HAVE YoU ALWAYS GOT TO WAIT?! YOUR DAD AND SISTER COULD FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS WHY CAN'T YOU?!....@#$%^^^&*()))))))(*&^%$#@#$%^&*())" that's my mum loud nagging again. I was eating my lunch ,Mee Rubus ,at home after my first radio production in school and she have find the need to nag me. "GIVE ME YOUR CLOTHES NOW OR YOU WILL HAVE TO WASH THEM YOURSELF! I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES AND THROW THEM OUTSIDE!!!!" there! that's her annoying damn screaming at me when my noodles were half way up my mouth. 

"DAmn! can I give you later?! I'm eating!" I answered in an annoying tone, couldn't blame me you know? I was so tired just like a man who finish a traumatic day of work and come home to an angry wife. I begin to wonder what my dad seen in her, angry wife is what a man dreads alot and those kind of women they would just ditch them. Well for me, if I'm a guy I'll ditch her straight away. "I DON'T CARE, I WANT IT NOW!" she screamed right at my face with her saliva sprayed all over my face. The smell of the saliva almost makes me puke my lunch.

With no choice, without a word i put down my fork and spoon in my bowl sticking up deliberately just to show that I-AM-FREAKING-UNHAPPY. I went in my room, change my clothes off to more comfortable at-home-wear. Marching out of my room still fuming with anger, I gave her my clothes and continue eating until i finish my lunch together with her non-stop scoldings. I believe up till now you would not want a life like mine. I understand the fact that all mum will nag even though some don't really. I could tell you, my Mother is the Queen of Nagging but I can also assure you that I will never be a princess of nagging because well I am just different. 

Now when I could finally be in my room slightly away from my mum and her 'songs-on-repeat', I on my laptop and begin editing my script and facebooking then watching my korean drama. Time pass really fast and its night time again my comfort night peace time is again disrupted by my dad this time asking me to eat dinner. I don't know why but I think I have a little tiny bit of angel bits in me and that is I didn't really have the need to eat. Angels don't need to eat and that is true, we angels live in light as energy source with no need of food or dispose waste material which humans says "poo". But of course with my human body, my stomach had carvings and growl when I don't satisfy it with at least a little of food.

At dinner time, my dad scolded me for reasons I don't know. Crashing the foam box in my hand in anger, I storm back into my room closing my door locking it and continue watching drama. Then on my screen words appear again across my laptop. " That serves as a lesson to you Azzy. It will never end... unless you come and find me." Staring at the screen gritting my teeth I curse under my breathe. :: Damn You Lucifer! :: "Heys Azrael its alright, control yourself and not fall into his trap. Remember if you have commit even a small mistake you are bound to stay longer in your punishment." Gabriel reminded me. "Argh damn!" I answered frustratedly and a flash of thunder strike across the sky giving me a scare that I immediately covered my ears and winced slightly. 

"He is despicable to have use my parents against me!" I screamed in my mind in frustration. "Azrael, lucifer couldn't make them do his bidding if they didn't already have the emotion inside of them against you. He just enhance the anger in them only, its alright they are just humans and don't know that they had been used. Azrael you should not lose control, do you know that your punishment had extended just by the attitude you gave them? You broke the 5th commandment to honor your parents." Gabriel tried to make me understand. " Gab....I don't know what I should do....I'm tired...I'm really tired...not only with my parents constantly being annoyed with me and compare me with others. I feel outcasted with most of my me seriously I don't know who I can trust who I can't. You know I couldn't stand being forgotten even outcasted. It hurts alot!" I told him as I teared in silent at night on my bed. Seriously it hurts me alot to find out the truth that I didn't exist in their mind or my existance is extra.

"I'm an angel! how could they treat me like this?! They are just humans.....gab its hard to adapt in this human world.  Will He just give me the one i should spend my life with and I wouldn't need anyone else anymore just him alone?" I asked feeling exhausted. " Azrael the right one will come eventually, all you have to do is wait. And this is part of the human life experience that you couldn't escape. But don't fret, we are here with you always. If it pain so much, ignore them because you are just special and they didn't know it." Gabriel counsel me like he always did when I'm down and hug me spiritually that warm my heart. 

I know Lucifer will never stop, but with Our Creator backing me up i'll see what he is up to next. With that thinking I drifted off to sleep. 


 Next chapter: Lucifer surprises! 

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