The Human Angel Chapter 5:

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 *******Chapter 5********

Soon because of my pretty much short memory, I had forgotten about Lucifer. My life was normal going school and back from school doing my research, managing forums. I never knew that there in the dark there is Lucifer hot on my heels trying to get to me. I was in school having the interclass break time and was standing outside of the rest room waiting for Aina to come out. 

Suddenly I felt something staring at me. I had this weird feeling about there is someone out there following me around and staring at me from the dark. Aina was still not finish yet and i begin to feel a sense of panick in me. It certainly gives me goosebumps as I tried looking around the place only to find nothing unusual but the students just passing by busy talking with each other. Figuring that I might be thinking too much so I decided to put down that thoughts. 

When I turn around I thought I saw a flash of someone. I could have swear I really did saw someone behind that wall looking at me yet he was gone the very next second when I looked again! Rubbing my eyes I tried to look again yet I see no one. :: I must be really tired..... perhaps I should go wash my face. ::  I thought as I push the rest room door open and wash my face. Its been so long since Aina was in the rest room with curiosity I decided to call her name wondering if she had finish. " Aina! Aina you finish?" I called but there was no answer. Feeling really weird I decided to check out on the cubicles. 

But the cubicles were empty! Shed! where is Aina?!  I was shock that there was no one in the restroom. Could she have gone out yet didn't call me? Impossible! She always would call me after she finished and I was standing directly in front of the rest room so it's impossible for her not to see me as well. :: Aina! where is she? what happen?! Had she went back to the classroom? But normally she would call me yet she didn't today! Where the heck is she? damn she leave me here waiting alone like a security guard for the girl's rest room?:: I thought feeling annoyed now. 

When I was about to leave the rest room, the door seems to be locked! Thinking that I might be pranked I pulled on the handle angrily shouting. " Whoever do this stop this Shit right now! Hey You Idiot! Let me out!" huffing and puffing with anger after I shouted which used up alot of energy in me. But the door remain locked and then the lights begin to flickered On and Off, now this really doesn't feels good. I'm starting to panick now as fear crept into my heart again making my heart race. I could hear the beating of my heart 'THUMP' 'THUMP' 'THUMP' loudly in me like the bass drum. " Stop it! I don't think I have anything against you, why did you do this to me?! If you are unhappy with me or I happen to upset you, just tell me and not do this!" I continue shouting out but there was no response. 

:: What is this?! What is this?! What happen? No I wanted to go to class! class is starting again! :: I thought with fear. Cold sweat run down my forehead and my palm were sweaty now due to my fear and constant shaking the door in hope of getting out. Then I felt strong wind around me blowing my hair in a mess. The wind is so strong that I think it could be comparable to tornado except that it is a slight controlled one which didn't blow off the roof of the school. I turn around trying to open my eyes to see but the wind is too strong causing me to have a hard time trying to open my eyes. 

When I could finally open my eyes slightly to see, I saw a big figure actually more like a gigantic muscular man with white dirty majestic huge wings flapping behind him that cause the ultra strong wind. A moment later his wings stop flapping and I could see him much clearly now eventhough the lights were off and the rest room is dim with only sunlight that shone through the small windows. He had a flawless beautiful face that couldn't be describe and his body is so muscular that his abs were showing through his v-neck shirt. His eyes were a beautiful hazel accompany with the copper brown short hair that is more like modern fashinable guy's hairstyle. He is extremely handsome and hot with his white pants hanging down his hips and on his left hand was wearing a golden wristcuff.  

I was absorbed with the beauty of him that I almost forgot where I am and what have just happen when suddenly I recalled about what happen just now after I came to senses.  "who...who are you? and what do you want?"  I asked shakingly still grabbing onto the handle of the door. The angel looked at me with a loving eyes and suddenly he SMIRK!  "Azrael.... my brother look what have you become? Wow a girl now? not bad looking. pretty sexy yea ?"  He begin with a smooth music like voice still looking at me and his eyes was with love? lust? I couldn't really tell. " what? who are you? and whether I'm good looking or ugly what have it got to do with you? i believe its none of your business. And why did you do this?! what did you want?" I gritted my teeth questioning him eventhough actually inside my heart I was captivated by his beauty. " Who am I? WELL Azrael, my Azzy you used to hang out with me in heaven and spend time together yet you have forgotten who I am? Right can't blame you, He removed your memory before sending you down. I'm your very beloved brother Lucifer. "  He answered with a grin on his face as he walked towards me and I tried to back away yet was stuck by the door still staring at him with a mixture of anger and fear. :: Oh my! He is Lucifer?! And I'm actually close with him? Seriously?! :: I thought, my mind is in a mess a real mess right now. 

Next chapter: 

So what does Lucifer wants from Ariel who is Azrael?

What happens next? What will he do to Ariel? 

Well Stay tune to the next chapters and more! 


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