Chapter I

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Chloe Beale was a bright and bubbly redhead who was starting out her first year at Barden Univerisity with her best friend Aubrey Posen by her side. Chloe was a confident young woman who always saw the good things in life and chose to focus on them instead of the bad things. Chloe drew people to her wherever she went and although Chloe was flattered, she wasn't interested in the suitors that crossed her path. Most of them were men and Chloe didn't think of men in a romantic or sexual way. No, Chloe liked women, which was hard because all of the women Chloe liked were either straight or taken or both. Being a lesbian was tough and it was even tougher finding a suitor that she liked. Chloe was quite picky when it came to who she let into her life. Just because Chloe was nice and kind-hearted didn't mean that she was going to let assholes ruin her life and take advantage of her. Chloe knew her worth and that was one of many things that attracted people to the beautiful redhead.

Chloe's first day at Barden was an easy one. She got settled into her dorm that she shared with Aubrey. Thankfully, Aubrey liked order and cleanliness as Chloe did so keeping a tidy dorm wasn't difficult. The girls always stuck together throughout the university. They had rules and codes that only they understood and since Aubrey was a bit of a control freak, she even had a drill that she went through with Chloe for multiple things. Chloe thought it was a bit over the top but she thought that it was better to be safe than sorry. Chloe and Aubrey had been best friends since high school, which some people found odd since they were total opposites of each other but that's why they got along so well. They balanced each other out nicely and they ended up having quite a lot of fun together as if they had been best friends their entire lives. Even though they argued a bit, they still didn't know what they'd do without each other and they knew that they were going to be friends for a lifetime.

Chloe and Aubrey were both studying music at Barden. They both had a fiery passion for music and Barden always had an activities fair on the first day of the college year. It allowed students to join groups of their interests, get to know new people, and make friends. The two friends were wondering around the activities fair where they spotted a stall that had Barden Bellas written on it. Aubrey pulled Chloe along and learned that the group was an a capella group. The captain and co-captain explained what the group was all about and what they did. Aubrey loved everything she heard and so did Chloe. They left the stall with big grins on their faces, saying how they had to audition and in true Aubrey fashion, the blonde insisted that they practice well in advance to be ready.

Auditions took place a few days after the activities fair and thankfully, Chloe and Aubrey were both granted entry for the Bellas. They were so excited and things started off really well until the captain of the Bellas revealed her true self. She was no longer the kind, gentle, and approachable woman the girls met at the fair. No, she was cold, bossy, controlling, and ruthless to the Bellas. It was clear that nobody really liked her, not even the co-captain that struggled with her more often than not. Aubrey hated being bossed around and unfortunately, she only saw that as a reflection on her. Aubrey thought that she wasn't good enough so she strived to get the captain's approval and go above and beyond but it was never enough. Chloe on the other hand barely cared about what the captain thought of her. Sure, some of the remarks she made to Chloe weren't nice but Chloe brushed them off the best she could. She wasn't going to let some singing captain make her feel bad about herself.

By the end of the first week, Chloe was exhausted. Bellas training was very demanding and stressful. Chloe was wondering whether or not staying in the Bellas was worth it. Chloe wasn't obsessed with the group as Aubrey was and the captain was. She was only doing it for fun. She loved to sing but the captain was taking the fun out of that for her. One evening Chloe sat Aubrey down and talked to the blonde about leaving the Bellas. Aubrey was horrified but she heard Chloe out. Chloe told her that it wasn't worth the extra stress. This was their first year at college and they couldn't afford to be distracted by the Bellas and trying to impress their captain who was never going to be impressed by anyone. After a long chat, they both decided to stay. They both enjoyed singing and being a part of a group did wonders for them since they made new friends and it improved their social skills, not that Chloe's social skills needed to be improved. Aubrey's, on the other hand, was something to be desired.

So, the first few weeks were hectic for both girls but they managed to get through it. After their first lot of exams, the girls decided to go out and have their first college drink. Neither of them were big drinkers but they decided that they should give it a try to see how they liked it. That's what college is all about, right? Stereotypically anyway. Since it was just the two of them, they both agreed not to get completely wasted. They had Bellas training the following day and the last thing they wanted was for their captain to yell at them and make their heads explode. Throughout the night, the girls got hit on a few times but neither of them were interested. Chloe even got hit on by a girl but she wasn't interested. She wasn't her type. Chloe didn't exactly know what her type was yet but she knew it wasn't her. Chloe wasn't really looking for anyone anyway. She was just going about her life as she always did and if someone special managed to pop up, then she'd look into it but for now, she was enjoying the new chapter of her life with her best friend.

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