Chapter VI

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Chloe raced out of the music building and headed straight for her dorm, not stopping when Beca called out to her. Thankfully, Aubrey was currently out going for an evening jog to keep up with the Bellas cardio. Chloe collapsed onto her bed and sobbed hard into the pillow. She couldn't believe what she just saw. The sight broke the redhead's heart. Chloe really liked Beca. She liked Beca so much she was going to talk to her about the possibility of becoming girlfriends. Chloe had thought about it for a long time but she always stopped herself and just when she found the courage to do it, she saw Beca lip-locked with another girl - a beautiful girl for that matter. Chloe didn't know what to think. She was truly heartbroken. Beca meant the world to her but it was clear that Beca didn't feel the same way. Even though the alt-girl chased after Chloe, Chloe didn't want to stop. She was just too hurt.

The redhead had been crying for a good half an hour until Aubrey arrived in their dorm.

"Chloe!" The blonde gasped, throwing her water bottle on the bed before sitting next to her best friend. "Chloe, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Bree..." Chloe sniffed, sitting up with Aubrey's aid.

"What happened?"

Chloe shook her head as she tried to calm her tears.

"Don't do that," she said softly. "Tell me. I haven't seen you this upset in years. What's wrong?" Aubrey's voice was soft and sweet.

Chloe took a breath before speaking. "Well, I've... I've been seeing this girl for a good month now. We started off as friends then we realised that we really liked each other so we went out on a date and we kissed. We decided to take things slow and go on a few more dates here and there. I was meant to meet up with her again this evening but when I went to her... she... she was kissing another girl..."

"That bitch!" Aubrey snapped. "Who does she think she is? What did you do when you saw her?

"I ran off. She ran after me but I left before she could stop me."

"Good. Serves her right."

"It hurts so much, Bree..." Chloe sobbed. "Why does it hurt so much?"

Aubrey sighed. "Unfortunately, when you really like someone and they hurt you, it kills. It really kills."

Chloe turned into her friend's shoulder and cried hard into it. Aubrey's heart broke for her best friend and she swore that if she ever saw the girl who hurt Chloe, she'd kill them. She didn't know who Beca was but she already hated the alt-girl. Chloe was far too precious to be hurt like this and Aubrey was very protective of the redhead.

"Why don't we order some pizza, huh?" Aubrey offered kindly. "We'll get pizza, ice cream, chocolate, and other goodies and we'll take your mind off that girl and her hoe. How does that sound?"

Chloe nodded, wiping her eyes. "That sounds good."

"I thought you might like that." Aubrey kissed Chloe's head softly before grabbing her phone and calling the campus pizza place.

The rest of the night was a relaxing one. The girls ate their comfort food and watched funny movies. It did help take Chloe's mind off of Beca and the girl she was with but every now and then she'd think about it and it made her feel as if she had just experienced the incident all over again. Chloe waited for the feelings to go but they never did. Every day Chloe felt worse and worse. She didn't meet up with Beca after what happened. She didn't want to hear what Beca had to say. She really thought that she had something special with the tiny brunette. She shared a lot with Beca and Beca shared a lot with her but Chloe thought that was all for nothing. She felt that she had been played and that's what hurt the most.

She felt like Beca really didn't care for her at all. She was ready to take the next step with the brunette, something she was terrified of doing, but Beca just shot her down. Chloe kept wondering how long Beca had been seeing that girl for. She wondered if Beca was seeing her the entire time and was just leading Chloe on. So many things ran through the redhead's mind, each thought was just as painful as the next. Chloe wanted to get out of the dark loop she was stuck in but she couldn't seem to get out of it. Aubrey noticed the change in Chloe's behaviour and after several weeks of not leaving her dorm unless she had to, the blonde became concerned.

Chloe was down all the time. Aubrey had never seen her in such a state and each day she grew more and more worried. Aubrey tried her best to get Chloe out and about but the redhead wasn't having it. Chloe even dropped out of the Barden Bellas. She had lost her passion for music and her passion for learning. Chloe's grades dropped to the point where she was threatened to be kicked out of the university but Chloe didn't care. She was thinking about dropping out of college anyway. Aubrey was heartbroken at the sight of her best friend and she tried everything she could to help Chloe but nothing seemed to work. Perhaps Chloe leaving college and getting help would have been a better option.

Aubrey had spoken to Chloe's parents and told them of the situation. They suggested that the redhead come back home so they could look after her. Aubrey told the redhead but she wasn't bothered. At that point in time, Chloe couldn't have cared less what happened to her. She was so full of pain and heartache that nothing else mattered. Every day Chloe thought about Beca and what happened. Every time she thought about it, it hurt as if it only just occurred. Chloe didn't even realise she was in a deep, dark hole until her parents collected her and took her to the doctors. Chloe's parents did everything they could to help their daughter but they ran into the same problem Aubrey did - nothing they did seemed to work.

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