Chapter II

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Beca Mitchell. Where do we start? How about with rude? Arrogant? Stubborn? Moody? Grumpy? Take your pick. The girl was a nightmare. Everyone she ever met avoided her the best they could, which suited the brunette just fine. She thrived off being along. Being sociable and getting to know people wasn't her strong suit. Beca prefered the confines of her room where she would work on her music. She would make mixes of songs and sometimes make originals. The alt-girl aspired to be a music producer one day. She had dreams of going to Los Angeles and making her own music that the world would love. It was a big dream and some thought that it was a little too big but Beca just ignored those people and engulfed herself in her music.

Music was her solace and it was the only thing that mattered to her. Her father was proud of her for finding her passion but unfortunately, her passion is what made her push people away. Beca would have rather sat in her room all day making music or listening to it rather than go out somewhere with her friends. But that was another issue, Beca hardly had any friends. Anybody that wanted to get close to the girl, Beca would just push them away. She claimed that it was easier that way but her father kept reminding her that it was a lonely way to go but Beca didn't care. She had gone this far without someone so why would she need anyone now?

Beca had finished high school with the dream of going to Los Angeles to pursue her music career but her father wouldn't allow it. It wasn't that he forbid it because it was a terrible idea and he didn't support her dreams. No, he knew that Beca had potential but he wanted his daughter to have some more education under her belt other than a high school diploma. He was a music professor so that didn't help Beca very much. He was proud of his daughter but he still wanted the best for her so he managed to strike up a deal with the girl - Beca would attend one year at Barden University, the same university that he taught at, then after that, he would pay for Beca to go to Los Angeles. Beca wasn't over the moon about the offer but her dad was willing to pay for her to go to L.A so the alt-girl accepted the offer and so here she was. She was strutting around the activities fair trying to find something of interest to her. That was the other part of the deal Beca had agreed to. Her father wanted her to join a group so she could make friends and meet new people. Beca hated the idea but if she wanted that ticket to L.A, she was going to have to step out of her comfort zone.

Unfortunately, Beca didn't find anything that interested her. Of course, she looked for music groups and came across an a capella group but that didn't interest her. The uptight blonde was too much for her to handle and she knew if she joined that group that she'd more than likely kill her. The day wasn't as successful as Beca would have liked it to have been but it wasn't unexpected. She would have been surprised if she found something that did interest her. The brunette retreated back to her dorm when she couldn't find something she liked and couldn't find anything else to do. She continued to set up her side of the dorm, which was completely different to the other side that was taken up by her roommate who wasn't exactly the best person to befriend. The two of them hardly spoke to one another but that suited Beca fine. She would have rather had a quite roommate than a loud one who never shut up.

Before Beca knew it, the sun was setting and it was dark. Beca then decided to take a shower. Unfortunately, Beca's dorm didn't have an ensuite unlike some of the other dorms around campus, which meant that the alt-girl had to use the community showers. Thankfully when Beca got there, there wasn't anybody in the showers so she was able to relax a bit and sing. She chose a stall down the end to have her shower. The last thing Beca wanted was for someone to have one next to her and she would have been super pissed. Beca liked her space, especially in the shower. Thankfully, nobody showered next to Beca and nobody entered the shower either until Beca had finished and draped herself in her bathrobe once she was dry. Beca was glad she had a shower when she did. Her first college shower was in peace but she had a feeling that it wouldn't be the same in the future. She had three years at Barden and she hoped that she wouldn't have to use the community showers the entire time. Hopefully, she'd be able to move into a dorm that had an ensuite but for now, she was going to have to make due.

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