Chapter III

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It was a new week and Chloe was given a music assignment. She had to make an original piece of music with an instrument of her choice and it was up to her whether or not she wanted lyrics or not. Chloe wasn't confident in writing her own music but she wasn't a stranger to it though. It had been a while since Chloe had written a song of her own but she was looking forward to making her own piece. However, Chloe's positive attitude didn't last too long since she was really struggling to make new music. The redhead had spent almost two weeks trying to come up with something but nothing came to mind. She was sitting in her dorm with Aubrey who was doing an assignment of her own.

"This is so hard, Bree..." Chloe whined from her bed.

"What's so hard?"

"I can't figure out what to make! I need to make my own piece of music but I've got nothing!"

"You just need to find some inspiration, that's all, which shouldn't be hard."

"Well, it's proving to be more difficult than you'd think."

"Perhaps go for a walk or something. You've been studying non-stop since we got here and you've hardly taken time out for yourself. Just take a break from your homework and relax a bit."

"Aubrey Posen telling me to relax?" Chloe chuckled.

"I know but you'll only make your brain block worse if you keep pushing yourself. Trust me, I know from experience. Just take some time out and not worry about your assignment. Going out for a few hours won't hurt you."

"Yeah, you're right," Chloe sighed then closed her laptop. "Okay, I'm going for a walk."

"Alright. Stay safe!"

"I will." Chloe slipped on her jacket and stepped into her shoes before leaving her dorm.

The redhead was glad to be out of her dorm. Aubrey was right, she had been working non-stop and it wasn't doing her any favours. She needed to take her mind off things and going for a walk usually did that for the redhead. Chloe had never actually taken the time out to walk around Barden before. She had been too busy with college work and the Bellas, she didn't have time for anything else. Now, she was able to see just how beautiful the college grounds actually were. The grounds were taken care of well. The grass was green and cut nicely. The trees were luscious and gave good amounts of shade from the harsh Georgia sun in summer. The buildings were well maintained. It truly was a beautiful campus and Chloe felt ever so lucky to be able to study here for three years.

Chloe wandered to parts of the campus that she had never been to before such as the science labs, law buildings, and medical buildings, each just as impressive as the other. Chloe only stuck to the music part of the campus since that's where most of her subjects took place. Sometimes she would travel to the arts section of the campus for some of her electives but she mainly stuck to the music buildings. The music buildings were very impressive. They were the oldest part of the college - the original part. Everything else was built onto it but they still maintained the same style as the original sections of the college.

After walking around the entire campus, which took a little while since it was so big, Chloe found herself at the music buildings and decided to take herself on a little tour. Chloe hadn't explored the music building as much as she would have liked. As mentioned before, Chloe was too busy with college work and the Bellas she didn't have time for anything else. The music halls were quiet since class had been dismissed a little while ago. It was peaceful. The halls had photos and awards everywhere. Chloe took time to look at each of them, admiring how passionate Barden was about their music. Heaps of students were given awards for many different musical achievements and Chloe wished that her name would be on the wall.

Chloe ventured further down the halls and saw photos of the different generations of the Barden Bellas. Her eyes lit up at the sight. Generations of Bellas all lined up next to one another. Chloe wondered when she would be up on the wall, proudly standing under the Barden Bellas banner. Chloe didn't focus too much on that though. She was still new and having a photo put up on the wall might not happen for many years to come. Chloe kept wandering around the music halls until she came to a room at the end of the hall. She pulled the door to find it open and inside the room was an old piano - a very old piano. Chloe approached it and saw that it was an antique Bösendorfer. Chloe was shocked. Bösendorfer's were the most luxurious piano's ever made and this one had to be at least one-hundred years old.

Chloe was scared to touch it but her curiosity got the better of her and she placed her hand along the top. The wood was smooth. It had obviously been well taken care of throughout the years. Chloe wasn't sure if she should be in the room, and more so, touching this piano that she was sure to be worth more than her entire college degree and more. Chloe then ran her fingers along the keys that were also well looked after. There were no marks on the keys and whoever played the instrument made sure that they were not rough with it. Chloe was wondering if the instrument had ever been touched at all it was in that good of condition.

The redhead continued to admire the piano until she was distracted by sheet music that was sitting on top of the piano. It looked rather old but was in good condition, too. Chloe carefully picked it up and read the title.

Bye Bye Love...

There was no composer or any name for that matter. The only words on the paper were the title and a small note next to the title.

Play slow to go forward...

Chloe knew quite a bit about music and classical music but she had never heard of this song before. She looked at the music and played the notes in her head and it didn't sound familiar to her at all. Chloe went to sit down on the stool but was stopped when her phone rang. It was Aubrey.

"Hey, Bree," she answered.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm just in the music building."

"Okay, well I'm going to order Chinese for dinner. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I could go with some Chinese actually. I'll make my way back."

"Alright. I'll see you soon."

"Okay. Bye."


Chloe hung up then made her way to the door however, she stopped and turned around to the piano. She looked at it for a bit then quickly returned to it and grabbed the sheet music before she left.

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