•Wither and The Fall•

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•Wither and The Fall•
2:33PM 49% March/22/2019

Float away

Float away

Is this what I'm meant to be?

Or am I destined for something greater?

Will I wither, and or fall

Or will I blossom into what I have always wanted to be

I want to become something

So, why am I here?

I want to speak up, but I can't

The words seem foreign and my lips are sewn shut

It hurts to talk, about feelings and such other minuscule things

But why does it hurt?

Is it because of what the voices tell me?

I don't deserve to be alone, but here I am



So, if I wither and fall

No one will remember me

Crushed under their boots

This little sunflower
Will wither


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