•Never Ending Abyss•

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Swimming in this never ending abyss

If this is what the afterlife is like maybe I shouldn't have done it

It's dark and it seems like there's no way out

There is no moon, no sun


Just water

The only noise coming from the ripples

The shaky breaths and coughs you let out as you come up from below

It won't let you go
You can't drown

Your punishment you say
For wanting to leave
And now it reminds you of what you did

What you tried to do
Because after many tries
You grow exhausted
You slowly float up and drift off

Then you awaken

Every night you have this dream, yet you forget

You wake up with the feeling of anguish and exasperation

You blame yourself for these thoughts
Why do I feel like this?
Yet, you must continue on

So, after a long tired filled night
You get in the bath
Letting the warm water rise as you sit in the middle

Slowly you lay down and look up
You smile as the warm water covers you
Like a warm blanket before your first alarm rings

You close your eyes and open them once more to see you are back in the water

The never ending abyss
Yet this time there's light
The moon
The sun

It's coming back
All of the light is coming back

You float as the waves softly carry you towards the moon
There your eyes are opened to many marvels


Every single thing in between
It reminds me that life may not be so bad
when I'm
Swimming in this never ending abyss.


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