Chapter 3

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     I can't believe they are back. I can't believe he's here.
     We all went into our houses after our little greetings. I ran straight up to my room. A million thoughts were rushing through my head. I couldn't think straight. I did what I only could think was best. I called Kennedy. It took a few rings, but she answered.

On phone
     K- " Heyy girly what's up?"
     Me- "he's back"
     K- "wait wh-"
      Me- "he's back"
      K- "shit, ill be over in 10"
      And with that she hanged up.

      I don't think I would ever see him again. I needed air so I walked out to my balcony. The summer heat was here. The lake was almost still. It mirrored the sky above, both blue and shimmering. It felt like a normal Saturday afternoon, but everything was different. Everything is changing.

      I didn't know how long I was out here, staring at the lake. But when I turned to sit on my bench swing, I saw him. I saw him standing there looking at me through this window. He waved at me and gave me a weak smile. It was open, the window was open just like old times. But it's not 2013 anymore.

     Thankfully Kennedy walked into my room and called me out. We sat on my bed.
"So" Kennedy said.
"I thought I was over him but." I sat their playing with me blanket.
"But what" ken asked.
"But everything is coming back. I thought I got over him and I did. But when I saw his face. Everything came back."

Flashback 2013, after he left for 3 years
"So what happened between you two. You guys were close and then he left and their was this tension between you two I could feel." Kennedy asked.
     "Well about 2 months ago he asked me out and we decided to keep it quiet, and then..... then I saw him with Avery and then yea" I said with tears forming.
     "Wait he"
     "Yea" I couldn't hold it in anymore.
      "Aww Han, don't cry" ken cheered-me up after a few minutes. I continued to tell her what happened between us.

     "You loves him, didn't you" ken asked.
     "Of course, it's stupid." I say "he was my best friend"
      "No, I mean, you really liked him" she sighed.
     I lifted up from my bed and fiddle with my fingers.
"Yeah, yeah I did," and with that a single tear fell out of my eye.

Present time
     "Come on  Han get up and put your swimsuit on" ken said throwing a suit at me. "We are going swimming. We will have fun, and your gonna forget about that boy. It's summer, come one"

     "Yea ok" I smiled with a laugh. Ken always knows how to make me happy. She knows how to cheer me up when I'm down and how to forget about someone. But no matter what she says or do, I will always remember him.
"And Han" she turned around, "you were fine before him, you will be fine after him." And with that she left my room.

     No matter what I say or do, I'm completely in love with him. I love Harrison, and their is nothing I can do about that. I'm completely in love with Harrison James Osterfield.

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