Chapter 6

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Haz pov
For the next couple of nights, I laid in bed just thinking to myself.
Flashback 2012 summer haz pov
"You're staring again"she smiled, looking out in the distance.
"No I'm not, i'm just simply gazing over in that direction that you happen to be in." I reply.
"Then what's that look on your face" she looked at me.
"What look" I looked back at her. God she's so beautiful, if only she knew what I thought of her.
"You know you always look a certain way when you supposedly look in my direction that I just happen to be in." She smiles looking about in front of her.
"And what way is that" oh god I wish I could tell her how I feel.
"Like your staring at some sort of galaxy" she reply, scrunching her nose.
"And what?" I asked, "I do love galaxies."
She just sat their giggling and shaking her head to me. I wish I could just tell her.

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