chapter 1

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     Hannah's pov
     It was a normal day at the lake. I did what I normally do, get dress and head out to work. Summer just started and nothing has changed. I stoped looking out my window to see if they come back, but it's not happening. I haven't seen them in 3 years or even heard from them.

Flask back 1st summer without them
     I sat on my balcony with my head in my hands.
"They aren't coming are they?" I said not looking up as my mom walked out.
"No they aren't, in so sorry sweetie" she said rubbing my back. " I know you look forward to seeing them each summer"
"Things are changing aren't they" I said with my teary-eyed looking up at my mom.
"I don't know sweetie" she said leaving
I don't know was all that was going through my mind.

Present time Hannah pov
     It was an early morning and I had to work at the ice cream parlor. I already knew it will be a busy day since it's summer. I threw on my work outfit, some shorts and my work tee, and left the house

Toms pov
     "Boys lets go" mum called from the car. "We not have 3 more hours till we arrive"

     Everyone got in and we headed to the lake. It's been 3 years since we've been their and it's also been 3 years since we talked to them. All I know is that the last time we've talked, she was 13 and I was 14. 3 years gone by and I'm 18, she's 17.

     "Nervous" haz said as we slowly approached the neighborhood.
" yeah, a little" I glanced out the window. We slowly pulled up our driveway and stoped at the front of the house. Their house still looked the same. Then Brian, their dad walked out, he turned and yelled something through their screen door. Seconds later, 3 guys walked out. Logan, Nick, and James all walked out.

     We all existed the car to be welcomed by them. They look the same, but wheres Hannah.
"Your back" nick said pulling us into a hug. 
"Yea it was time to come back" I said, "so um... where's Christina and-"
"Hannah's at work, she should be home soon, but I don't know." Logan walked over to me, pulled me in, then said "mom um well, she passed away.... 3 years ago" he put his hands in his pocket.
"Aww hunny I'm so sorry" mum said pulling the boys and Brian into a hug.

     Just then a white car pulled up.
"And she's here" James said. We all heard the door open and close. All our heads turned to see her. Her hair was longer and lighter, also she wore a huge smile on her face.
"You guys are back" she said when a shirt in her hand. She pulled Harry into a hug than Sam. The moment she hugged sam, Harry mouthed, "dang". Then she hugged paddy, haz, then me. When she pulled haz into a hug she whispered something I couldn't make out. Then she came to me, "It's great to see you guys" she whispered to me.

     After these 3 years she got beautiful. Not like she wasn't beautiful before but she was stunning.

Hannah's pov
I got out of my car and saw 8 boys standing in our yard. I started walking to them, they were all back. Then I saw him, standing right I front of me. Then everything came back. I felt my stomach drop.

4 years ago, 2012, the last summer to now
( this is hannahs thoughts and feelings at the last summer they were together to time/years later, I will be explaining this more in the further chapters)
I saw him the other day. His arm around another girl, his eyes when he met him were slow in recognition. And I wonder if he remembered what I once told him- I will love you forever. But he had smiled at me sadly before replying- but I am so afraid you may one day stop. But maybe it was you who was to afraid to stop loving me.
( weeks later he left)
Sometimes I go days without saying your name. Days without thinking of you or us or the things we did.

Sometimes I go weeks without saying your name. Weeks without dwelling on the past, the good and the bad.

But sometimes I slip up and your name escapes from my mouth, the way my heart attempted to escape from my chest the moment our lips first touched.
(Once again this is weeks-years since Hannah has seen him, so these are her feelings though out time)
Sometimes when I say you name as of it were three years ago and I was holding your hand for the first time. And sometimes I say your name it's like you've been lost from me for centuries.

But either way, when I do say your name, a part of me always wishes I was saying it to you.

Now seeing his face again, after all these years. I am the one who is afraid. Because I love him, I still do. I haven't stoped, I can't. I don't think I every will, I think.

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