Chapter 4

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Haz pov
I watched her was she sat out side on the tiny balcony she loved. She was lost in thought as she started at the lake. God I miss her.

"Hey lets go to down to the lake" Tom said as he bursted into our room.
"sure thing, I'll be down in a minute" I reply back.

Tom left and I returned back to the window. I don't know how long I was staring but soon I realized she was looking back at me.

Flashback beginning of summer 2012
"ahh your back" hannah said with a smile growing on her face.
"of course it's summer.... Hannah banana"I said in a childish voice. Hannah always hated being called Hannah banana. It was a nickname she was given by her mom and she totally freaks out when anyone says it.
"well hazzy" she commented with a smirk. She knows I hate being called hazzy.

We went inside to unpack our items for the summer. Every summer the Holland's come down to their lake house, I always join because I'm basically family, is what Tom tells me.

We all put our swim suits on just like always. Every time we come back we mess around in the lake and afterwards have our traditional barbecue and bonfire.

"ahhh it feels so good to be back" Tom said as we walk down the front yard to the lake with our towels around our necks.
"Hey I bet I can beat you down to the dock"
"oh your on" he smirked and took off.
We started to sprint to the dock, down the stairs and around the lower deck. I was beating Tom when I saw Hannah. She was laying out on the chair with ear buds in, classic. Next thing I knew Tom was in the water splashing around.
"I beat you" he screamed from the water. Hannah must of heard and was smiling ear to ear as our silly competitions.
"Hey Hannah wanna hop in the lake with us" I asked Hannah.
"I think I'll pass, don't wanna get in-between your little date" she giggled as she said quoted date. Hannah always enjoyed making fun of our friendship, always calling it a bromance.
"I think he can deal with you joining" I said looking back at Tom and with that I put her phone down and carried her over my shoulders with her yelling to put her down.
"no haz don't. I swear to god if you throw me in. Put me down. Ahhh please" she yelled with me and Tom laughing.
"fine I won't throw you in" I put her down on the dock at the edge, she was cornered. She knew exactly what I was going to do. So she wrapped her around around my waist and yelled. I tried to shove her off, but she was fighting it. We were yelling and laughing as we fought to push each other off with Toms laughter in the background. Next thing I knew we were both in the water, laughing, inches apart, with her in my grasp. I don't know what happened, it was like when I was holding her everything else disappeared, it was just me and her.

It was like all of a sudden she changed. She was no longer like a sister to me. From the time we were on the dock to her in my arms with water around us, she came back completely different person or maybe I changed. A new mindset, a new outlook. The girl who cared so much about what others thought no lingered cared. She was having fun in a different way. I don't know if it was just us being caught up in the moment, but something changed.

Present time
Tom came back into the room and yelled my name snapping back to existence. Now it was time for our no so much annual tradition. Lake, barbecue, and bonfire.

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