Chapter 2

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The announcer was still announcing everyone's names, maybe it wasn't him maybe it was just somebody who looked like him.


"Lucas Friar" the announcer called out, nope it's him

I must of looked worried because Riley shook my arm "Maya ?" She asked, slight worry filling her voice "Are you okay?"

"Hmm? What ? Oh yeah fine." I shortly answered, not fine at all

I couldn't take my eyes off him all these memories flooded back, we didn't really end things well but Riley doesn't know any of it.


Ever since the ski trip Lucas and Riley have been together it has been months

I guess it's good her picked her, we have all stayed friends after but I've kinda distanced myself more from Lucas.

I haven't done it purposefully, I don't think it's on purpose

But I still like him and it hurts to see him with Riley. What can I do? He makes her happy and he picked her so no matter what I feel I would never take him from Riley

She's my best friend I would never do anything to hurt her

Besides he doesn't like me anyway and as far as they know I don't like Lucas and I only see him as a friend

But that couldn't be further from the truth.

It's graduation today and none of us have decided where we are going yet but we know we all want to stay friends and in contact with each other

Farkle was probably going to work for his father and Smackle had already been accepted into some really smart university.

Before the ceremony I got ready at Riley's, she seemed a bit off but I didn't question it it's probably because she's sad we are leaving. We did our makeup, hair and then we put our caps and gowns on.

We all decided to meet up with each other before going in so we could all sit with each other

By the time we arrived everyone was already there and people had started to go in.

Just as we were heading into the school I realised I left my cap in the car since Mr Matthews dropped us off, I quickly told Riles to just go in with the others and I would be in after her.

I grabbed my cap as fast as I could and walked back into school, annoyingly though everyone else was in the assembly even the teachers

I was about to go in when Lucas grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side

"Ranger Rick ? What are you doing ? We need to go in." I said letting go of his hand

This is weird. What does he want?

"I'm leaving Maya, back to Texas." He said looking down at his feet,

I don't know how to react.

I'm feeling a mixture of sadness and regret because he now he's leaving and he won't know how I feel about him.

This is so sudden. Why now?

Why is he leaving?

"But I couldn't leave without talking to you" he said grabbing my hand again, but this time I didn't let go

"Why do you need to speak to me? Does Riley know ?" I asked still trying to wrap my head around what he just told me

Riley should know before me, she's his girlfriend not me

Why is he even telling me any of this?

"No, I haven't told her yet. But I-" He can't tell me first, he already has I guess but Riley needs to know

I cut him off speaking "Lucas," I actually said his name for once, he's needs to know I'm being serious

I looked up at his face, at those eyes that I could just get lost in..

I pulled myself together and carried on talking "You should be telling Riley first not me, she deserves to know if her boyfriend is leaving"

He sighed looking away slightly and then he looked back at me and nodded

"I know that Maya I do but I really need to talk with you" I nervously bit my lip and just let him explain

He took a deep breath "I couldn't leave without getting this off my chest, I like you Maya and I have for awhile now and don't get me wrong I still really like Riley a lot but I can't deny my feelings for you."

What! No? That can't be right.

Am I dreaming?

Did I hear him right? He likes me?


I didn't know what to say or how to react, he likes Riley and he's with her. But he likes me ?

Before I could reply the doors swung open and Riley came out

I completely forgot I was holding Lucas's hand until I looked down and saw our hands connected

I quickly let go of his hand and stepped a bit away from him, hopefully she didn't notice.

"There you both are, come on it's about to start!" She said rushing over to us taking my hand.

After the ceremony I went straight home avoiding Lucas

I don't know what to say to him or if I can even face him

I left it be and I didn't speak to him for days but when I was ready to talk to him a few days later I found out from Riley he had left and he didn't even say goodbye.

He just left and didn't say goodbye.

He dropped his bombshell on me and then just leaves, no explanation or anything.

End of flashback

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