Chapter 8

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Today the day of Lucas's rodeo I'm so worried but I won't show it I want him to stay confident, Riley is coming with me since I didn't want to go alone and I thought she might want to support Lucas since we were all friends again.

I decided to wear Lucas's hat he gave me even if it's too big for me, my boots Riley gave me and some shorts and a white shirt

Riley wore some cowgirl boots, some blue shorts and a baby pink shirt and jacket

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We were in our seats I could see Lucas down at the bottom they were all picking which bull they would be riding,

Once he saw me a smile grew across his face and he tipped his hat like he always used to do to annoy me but now I like it, I smiled and rolled my eyes back at him

We watched as everyone rode and it's now Lucas's turn

I'm literally sitting on the edge of my seat, he's about to start he nodded at the other guys around him and the bull rampaged out of the shoot

I felt my heart start racing and pounding in my chest, it still scares me so much watching him but I'm trying not to think of the worse case scenario

He is going to be fine and he is going to do it. After all it's only 8 seconds, right?

The timer buzzed and people cheered I jumped up out of my seat and cheered he did it, he got a perfect score and now he's moving up in the leaderboard

Last night he was telling me how he wanted to get in the top 30 in the world again and he eventually wanted to be number one

I was still cheering I am so happy for him and even though it scares me, after he gets off the bull and I can see how happy he is it makes all those bad feelings go away

My phone started to ring so I quickly rushed outside so I didn't disturb anyone

"Is this Maya Hart ?" Its a woman's voice, a voice I don't recognise

"Hello, yes I'm Maya"

"Hi Maya, we are please to tell you that you have been picked to intern in New York with us so we wanted you to meet the team we are holding an art gallery this weekend and we hoped you could come since you are already in North Carolina"

Oh! My! God!

I got the internship!

I can't believe it!

"Yes of course thank you so much, I'll be there" I giddily smiled and excitedly replied

"Great see you then" she hung up, I squealed and jumped up and down

This is what I have been waiting for I can't wait, I have to tell Riles and Lucas

I rushed back into the arena going over to Riley

"Riley you'll never guess what"

"What? where did you go?"

"Somebody rang me, and I got the internship! They want me to come to this art gallery they are hosting and help out and meet the team" Riley squealed too and we hugged

She knows how long I've been waiting for something like this, it's such a huge opportunity for me

"Wow congratulations Maya I know you have wanted this internship for ages"

"Thank you Riles"

I couldn't find Lucas after so I decided to just text him when I was back

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Shortstack 💖
Hey Huckleberry you'll never guess what just happened

Huckleberry 😊

Shortstack 💖
I got the internship

Huckleberry 😊
Wow Maya that's amazing! I'm so happy for you

Shortstack 💖
Thanks Ranger Rick.

Shortstack 💖
They want me to go to an art gallery this weekend, will you be my date?

Huckleberry 😊
I would love to

Shortstack 💖
Great see you this weekend

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