Chapter 3

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"Maya ? Are you okay?" She shook my arm

"Hmm? What ? Oh yeah I'm fine." I kept my eyes fixed on the arena on him, they were about to start.

Lucas was one of the last ones riding so I have some time to compose myself,

I don't know what to say or how to react when I see him, it's been years

Honestly, I didn't think I still liked him, I guess I do

I wish I didn't.

After he left I didn't speak to him so it was easier to not think about him but now with him there in front of me all these memories and feelings came rushing back hitting me all at once.

Riley still doesn't know that Lucas told me he had feelings for me, but it was 3 years ago maybe he had forgotten about me

I bet he probably has some beautiful cowgirl dating him, I bet she'll be standing front row watching him as he rides.

I hated it when he rode the bull the first time I couldn't stand by and watch him not up close at least,

I still watched but just from far away quite like now.

This just feels like history repeating itself

I think Riley can tell something was wrong because she hasn't took her eyes off me since she asked if I was okay I can see her in the corner of my eye.

I turned to face her "Riles, I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I gave her a soft smile really truing to hide the worry and stress going on inside me

"Because you didn't know Lucas would be here. I'm sorry Maya I didn't mean to make you upset" She rambled slightly and looked at me frowning

I don't want her to feel bad, there's no way Riley could of known this would upset me. As far as she knows we were only friends

"Riles how could seeing him make me upset we were just friends, I'm surprised you're not since you dated." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently to comfort her

"Yeah you're right, you never liked each other anyway" she smiled and looked back at the arena.

I don't know why but when she said that it hurt. I know Lucas didn't have lots of feeling for me like he did for Riley but it still hurts to hear it

God! I wish it didn't I wish I could just move on it has been three years.

I was lost in thought but the sound of the announcer speaking made me flinch they were starting.

I kept looking away for the first few riders but after I had seen a few I couldn't help but cheer for them it was entertaining when it wasn't Lucas.

A few rides later

It was time for Lucas to ride, I don't know why but my body took over

I ran down the steps and I stood down at the bottom by the gate, most people were sitting so it wasn't that busy, soon Riley and the other girls followed and we were all stood closer.

"Everyone give a warm welcome to Lucas Friar, now Lucas is one of our youngest riders from Austin Texas. Young Friar here has been riding for years and he is one of the best you'll see. This ride of his will be his first in a whole year after his accident I'm sure you bull riding fans heard all about." 


The thought of him being hurt still scares the hell out of me.

"Here you can see our young rider is getting onto the bull good luck to him."  The audiences called and cheered as the announcer stopped talking and everyone's eyes went to Lucas on the bull

"GO" he yelled and the bull ran out of the shoot jumping and kicking trying its hardest to get Lucas off

4 seconds, then 6 seconds

He's going to do it!

7 seconds now, 8 seconds

Oh my god! He's done it he stayed on!

Lucas jumped off the bull as the other guys tried to get the bull back in the shoot and he cheered, I did as well "YES" I yelled,

Riley cheered as well jumping up and down she was so excited to see him I could tell.

I looked over back at the bull it was scratching its foot against the ground and it began charging at Lucas

I climbed quickly up the gate I was stood on the second highest bar holding on "LUCAS" I screamed!

Luckily this made him turn and see it running and he ran over to the gate and jumped up our faces were only a few inches away, I felt my heart beat racing

I don't think he notices that is me, maybe he doesn't recognise me

I climbed down and he did as well then his deep black cowboy hat fell off in front of my feet and he started to walk away

I grabbed it and put my arm through the gate "Hey!" He didn't hear me

"Huckleberry!" I shouted, this made him turn around

He remembered

Knowing he remembers the nickname just brings me a warm fuzzy feeling inside

"Keep it." He smirked sending me butterflies

I turned to Riley and the other girls they looked so shocked especially Riley but they started laughing and saying how crazy it was.

I placed the hat on my head it was so big on me but I liked it.

LUCAS POV (from when he gets off the bull)

I heard somebody shout my name so I turned to look behind me and noticed the bull started charging at me,

I ran as fast I could and jumped up on one of the fences my face was right next to some girls, I couldn't really see what she looked like but she's really pretty

She got down so I did as well, my hat fell off as I got down but I have others, it's not that important so I carried on walking

"Hey" somebody shouted, probably wasn't to me so I ignored whoever shouted and kept walking towards the exit of the ring

"Huckleberry" I immediately stopped in my tracks

There's was only one girl I know who called me that

But it can't be. Can it?

What would she be doing here?

I turned around and it was her, it was Maya. She looks the same, still just as stunning but just older now

As I looked at her I noticed she had hold of my hat

Why is she here?

Did she know I would be here?

"Keep it" I told her with a smirk

I don't think she will, it wouldn't surprise me if she just left it on one of the seats

I heard some girls giggling as I walked away so I slightly turned my head to look back at Maya she had put my hat on her head and was showing it off her to her friends laughing.

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