Chapter 11

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I had just said goodbye to Riley and I was about to get into a cab and leave for New York when my phone started ringing it was Lucas

"Hey babe, I'm just leaving now" I quickly answered as I was walking towards my cab

"Maya it's Farkle" Why is Farkle calling?

"Farkle why are you calling on Lucas's phone?"

Oh god.

I hope it's nothing bad. I know Lucas had a rodeo early today, if he's hurt I don't know what I'll do

"He has been hurt Maya he's in the hospital" no no no no.

Please be okay huckleberry.

"WHAT!" I screamed down the phone "I'm on my way"

I got into the cab and told them the address of the hospital and I rang my boss, I can't go to New York now.

"Hi Karen it's Maya, I'm so sorry I can't make it to New York" I got straight to the point

"Why? Maya, we have your flight lined up people are waiting to meet you" I feel terrible but none of it matters to me anymore all I can think about is Lucas

"I know I'm so sorry but Lucas has been hurt and he is in the hospital I'm on my way there now" She sympathised with me but she doesn't really care

"I hope he will be okay but you're still coming to New York in a month to start you internship aren't you?"

Am I?

"I don't know" I shortly answered all I could think about was Lucas

"Maya don't tell me you are rethinking this internship it could be a big step for you" She stopped talking

"Why don't you call me back once you have seen your boyfriend and tell me how you feel then"

"Okay thank you I'll call you back"


I was getting ready to ride Maya wasn't here she was going to New York today but Farkle was in the stands watching, I'm glad he decided to stay for the summer

I got on the bull it was a feisty one it kicked and jumped before we even got out of the shoot, I tightened my grip on the rope and nodded at the guys to let the bull out

It was hard to stay on he was a lot tougher than I usually had but I stayed on I'm doing well it got to 8 seconds I got off as quick as I could still making it seem fine

I head somebody scream but when I turned around the bull hit me up against the side I could hear the announcer talking

"Young Friar has just been hit by the bull this is bad for any rider but worse for this one after his injury just over a year ago now some of our staff are trying to get the bull away hopefully he is okay"

I tried to stand but my vision was blurred I was just lying on the floor I could sort of make out the bull getting ready to run at me again luckily for me some of the other guys around rounded it up and got it away

My rodeo friend Chris helped me up "You okay" he checked with me

"I'm fine" I said standing by myself when suddenly everything went black


I ran into the hospital "I'm here for my boyfriend Lucas Friar"

"I'm sorry only family can go in whilst the doctor is taking tests but you can wait here for him" she pointed to the waiting area, what a stupid rule only family! He's close enough to be my family.

He is my family

I sat down twiddling my thumbs I was so nervous. This is why I hate bull riding, I should of been there with him

I started hyperventilating and had to stand up, I just started pacing in the waiting room trying to calm myself down

I just keep reminding myself he's going to be okay, he has to be.

I can't handle loosing him.

It had been about an hour when the receptionist told me I could go in

"Maya?" Lucas said sitting up from his bed

"Oh my god are you okay" I said rushing over to him holding his face in my hands

"I'm fine" he said holding my hands, I know he's playing it down and truing to seem okay but he's in the hospital you don't go to the hospital if you're okay

"You're lucky to be alive Mr Friar you need to stop downplaying the severity of your conditions"

What's the doctor talking about?

What happened to him? What condition?

"Condition?" I asked getting more concerned

"It's nothing Maya, shouldn't you be in New York?" He asked clearly trying to change they subject

"That doesn't matter you're in the hospital" I changed the subject back to him, he's not getting out of this that easily

The doctor interrupted "If you care about your friend you should make sure he doesn't ride another bull" he said leaving the room

"Now are you going to tell me what the doctor meant by condition?" I said getting more annoyed, my heart is still pounding

I have a feeling this isn't the first time he's been in bad shape because of bull riding

"It's nothing Maya can we talk about this later" I sighed and decided to let it go, he probably needs his rest anyway

"Fine but what happened to you?" I sat next to him on his bed trying to hold back tears and stay calm and less worried

"I rode the bull but then it threw me against the side and I hit my head and side" I held my hand up covering my mouth

"God Huckleberry" I said almost crying, he could of been seriously hurt. Killed even.

He held my hands and in his hands and gently kissed my hands "Maya" He spoke softly

"I'm okay" he said wiping away a tear that had fallen down my face

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you" My voice cracked and I let out a shaky breath

"You won't lose me" he tried to reassure me but I'm not so sure he's going to give this up

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