Chapter 10

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It has been a few weeks since the gallery opening and me and Lucas becoming boyfriend and girlfriend and it was now the day of the dance, we were off for a few weeks in the summer and then back to do our exams

Farkle was coming to visit Riley and surprise her at the dance and Lucas was my date it's going to be all of us back together again for the first time in 3 years

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The dance was starting me and Riley walked in together our arms linked we were going to meet Lucas inside

We stepped in and it was this big, beautiful barn with fairy lights strung up and little tables dotted around

We met up with Lucas and I started looking around to see if Farkle had arrived yet, he landed yesterday but he's only coming to meet us today and that's when I saw him enter. He is taller now and he has shorter hair but you can still tell it's him

"Who are you looking for?" She said tapping my shoulder

"Nobody Riles" as I said this Farkle came behind Riley and he put his hands over his eyes

"Guess who ?" He said

She moved his hands off her eyes and turned around and gave him a big hug it was so cute "Farkle, I'm so happy you're here what a great surprise" she said a smile lighting up her face

"How did you know about the dance?" She said turning around to face me "Peaches?"

"Guilty as charged" I said taking Lucas's hand and dragging him of the dance floor

"You look beautiful Maya" he said looking my up and down

"You don't look so bad yourself Huckleberry" I bit my lip he did look really good, he was wearing a dark blue suit with his top slightly unbuttoned underneath he looked very attractive in it, and of course, worst timing my phone started to ring

"Sorry I have to take this" I stepped out of the loud dance hall

"Hello Maya Hart speaking" I said trying to sound professional

"Hello Maya it's Karen" (my boss)

Oh god. Please be good news.

"Hi how are you" I said trying to be polite

"No time for small talk, how fast can you come to New York ?" What?

New York? My internship isn't supposed to start for a few months

"Oh um I don't know I would have to check the flights" I stalled slightly

"Well get here as soon as you can. I showed some of my supervisors your art and they wanted to see what else you could do and meet you, this could be very big for you Maya" Woah! 

This is huge.

"Thank you so much, I will try to get out there as soon as possible"

"Great send me your flight details when you have the chance"

"Okay see you in New York" she hung up

"What was that about?" I flinched slightly but relaxed because I knew it was Lucas

"God you scared me, I didn't know you were out here" I said walking over to him

"It was my boss they want me to come to New York early" I didn't think about this I have to leave Lucas and Riley

"How early ?" He said looking a little sad, but I think it's only going to be a week or so

"As soon as possible, this is big Lucas if it goes well my art could be in a gallery it's what I've wanted for ages" I tried to persuade him this was good but I don't need to I know he will be supportive with whatever I do

"That's great Maya" He said hugging me but I could tell he wasn't overly happy

"I'll miss you Shortstack" he joked

"I'll miss you as well Huckleberry" I looked up into his eyes and rested my head into his chest

I will really miss him

"Right I should go and tell Riley" I said letting go of Lucas

"Yeah that probably a good idea" he agreed and we went back inside

I walked back inside to see Riley and Farkle dancing together they both looked so cute and dorky, I started to walk over "Hey Riles?"

"Hey Peaches" She said not really paying attention

"I'm going to New York" she stopped dancing and looked at me

"When" She asked suddenly putting all her attention on me

"Soon, my art could be put in a gallery"

"Wow Maya I'm so proud of you I knew you would become a famous artist someday but I'll miss you" She said hugging me

"I'll miss you as well Riles but I'll be back before you know it I'll probably only gone a week it's not forever" I joked

"Okay good, well they will love you who doesn't" she said softly smiling

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