Chapter 6

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We got into his truck and he started driving "So where are you taking me Huckleberry?"

"It's a surprise" he smirked keeping his eyes on the road

"I didn't know you were in a sorority"  I keep forgetting that we haven't seen each other or spoke in years

"Yeah it was the cheapest place on campus but it's growing on me" I'm actually quite close with most of the girls they're all so kind and a little crazy but they mean well

We drove and talked for a while and then we pulled up to this beautiful lake, it has a little picnic table right in the middle and a campfire, its so beautiful.

It's breathtaking

We got out of the truck and sat down at the table Lucas started grabbing food out of his bag

"You cook ?" I asked surprised, that's something I never knew about him

"Not really" he chuckled, he pulled out some take out food

"sorry I hope this okay" he said rubbing the back of his neck. Is he nervous?

"It's fine Ranger Rick relax" I smiled reassuringly

"This place is beautiful" I said looking at the lake just taking in the landscape of the area, it really is stunning

"Yeah it is" he said looking at me and I felt my cheeks slightly heat up

"I'm glad you like it... so what are you studying at the university" He changed the subject and started to get to know more about me and what has happened in these years

"Art, no surprise there I guess" I scoffed, I'm so predictable

"I just love everything about it, the history, the culture, it's happiness, sadness, anger all rolled into one. I actually have applied for an internship for when I finish, it's in New York at a gallery I really hope I get it" I realise I was slightly rambling so I asked about him

"What about you what have you been doing these past three years?" I said grabbing the food off Lucas and opening it

"That's great Maya I'm sure you'll get it, I've been riding and competing in rodeos, I was top two in the world but I got hurt last year so I'm back down" He seemed so passionate when he was talking about bull riding it really seems like something he enjoys

But what does he mean, what happened?

"What happened?" I asked a little worried about him

"Being a bull rider, getting hurt comes with it. It's not if but when." I hope it wasn't that serious, he seems okay and I'm sure he wouldn't keep riding if it was bad

"It scared me watching you ride and I hate to admit it but you're good and it was so exciting when you stayed on and I saw how happy it made you" I looked up into his eyes, I forgot how I could just get lost looking at him.

We talked for hours but it was getting cold so we sat on the benches by the fire

"Well this brings back memories" I joked referring to the campfire and high school, being with Lucas a lot of memories came rushing back

"Yeah" He chuckled and I shivered slightly

"Are you cold?" He asked concerned

"Just a little" I replied not really bothered I'm always cold but he stood up and came back with a blanket from his truck, he sat next to met and he placed it over my legs

"Thank you Lucas"

"Wow you called me Lucas" he joked acting really shocked

"Don't get used to it" I rolled my eyes like I was annoyed but really I love the jokes between us

"So what's this nail polish colour?" He asked randomly making me laugh

I giggled "that would be clear"

"Clear, right. That makes sense" we both laughed and he held my hand, smooth huckleberry

"You're pretty smooth for a country boy" I said smiling

"Me?" He chuckled

"Yeah, you." I slightly laughed "Come on I saw how those girls looked at you" I said referring to all the girls at the rodeo

"And you think I'm that type of guy?" He questioned but I shook my head

"No.. nobody has ever done anything like this for be before" He leaned closer like he was going to kiss me but then he moved back again

"So" he cleared his throat "Are you liking North Carolina?" I tried to move past it

"Y-Yeah I am" I do really like it here, is so beautiful

We just sat there for a moment looking at the lake. I have wanted to ask him this all night but I didn't want to ruin it but I know if I don't I'm going to regret it

"Why did you leave ?" I said quietly looking at the fire not able to look him in the eyes

"What?" He said looking at me, probably confused by my sudden mood change

"Why didn't you say goodbye" I turned my face to face him

"Did you not care?" I know it shouldn't but it still hurts me. What reason could he have for not saying goodbye?

"Of course I cared." He sighed and took a deep breath

"I didn't say goodbye because it was too hard Maya, I just admitted to you that I liked you and we never had the chance to speak about it again so when it came time to leave with Zay I just thought you wouldn't want to talk"

Stupid excuse!

Why wouldn't I want to talk?

He was my best friend and he just decided to pack up and leave!

"Why wouldn't I want to talk or say goodbye you were one of my best friends and Riley, Smackle and Farkle went to say goodbye you invited them but not me, that hurt me" I turned away from his face and looked back at the fire

He could of at least invited me to say goodbye. I had to find out from Riley that he left!

"Maya," He put his hand under my chin and moved my head to face him

"I never meant to hurt you, I could never hurt you" I stood up, he can't just make me forgive him this easily

I won't let myself forgive him just because he gives me butterflies and I'm falling for him all over again

"So what does this mean?" He stood up facing me

"What does what mean Maya?" He took another step forward and I gulped

I grabbed his shirt like I used to do and I pulled him closer to me acting not phased by the closeness of us "You left, you didn't say goodbye and now three years later you expect me to just forget that and do what?"

Our faces were inches apart my heart is beating so fast and I know I should probably let go but honestly I don't want to

"What do you want me to do" he said softly, I looked up at his face and down at his lips, I let go of his shirt and stepped away

This was a mistake, I can't let myself fall for him again

"I don't know Huckleberry" I started to walk back to the truck when he grabbed my hand and spun me around

"Well I know what I want" he let go of my hand and he looked deep into my eyes and we both stood there looking at each other when he lent down and kissed me,

I stood up on my tip-toes and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, we both pulled away "What now Ranger Rick?"

Okay maybe I will let myself fall for him.

It's so hard to stay away and keep my feelings for him locked up

"Well I know I want to do that again" he replied, I laughed slightly and sat back down on the bench

Lucas came and sat next to me so I snuggled into his chest and I put the blanket over both of us as we looked at the stars

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