Chapter 13

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It had been a few days and I haven't talked to Lucas since I broke up with him

Riley was always around with ice cream and movies when I needed her which helped but I miss him so much

Since I gave up my internship to stay here with Lucas and make things work I have been sending my art anywhere with an opening hoping one place would take me

I needed a job we were leaving school in 2 weeks and I still haven't got anywhere to go. I have been revising like crazy to keep Lucas off my mind and it has helped some of the time. I have had to put his hat at the back of my wardrobe because it made me sad to see it

"Knock Knock" Riley said opening the door

"Come in Riles" I said sitting up on my bed

"How you feeling?" She said walking over to me

"I'm fine Riles totally over it" I lied, it's been weeks I can't keep crying and feeling sorry for myself because he didn't want to fight for us or at least compromise with me

"Well that means you can come out with me and the girls tonight" she said walking over to my wardrobe and picking out a short red dress and leather jacket

"Be ready for half 8" she said leaving and shutting the door

I knew she was just doing this to make me feel better but the last thing I wanted to do was leave the comfort of my bed but since I lied and said I was over him I may as well stick to my lie and try and have fun

- - - -

We walked into this bar and sat down everyone kept looking at me like I was a fragile glass about to break "So who wants shots" one of the girls said bringing 6 shots to the table

I grabbed 2 and drank them one after the other but then Lucas walked in "why don't I just take these and you girls go get more"

I downed the rest of the shots and went onto the dance floor with Riley trying to ignore him we danced an drank and laughed but I kept seeing him the corner of my eye but I didn't want to turn and face him so I kept drinking more

By the end of the night I was definitely drunk I couldn't walk straight,

I stumbled out of the bar almost falling over but somebody caught me "Thank youuuu" I said standing back up but then I saw who it was

"you okay" Lucas said, I moved away from him and scowled at him

"I don't need help from you ever, just leave me alone" I said clearly and I started walking away

"you're in no condition to walk home" he told me but I kept walking anyway, even though he's right.

"Well lucky for me I'm not walking Riley is taking me" I said with a smug look on my face

"Oh the same Riley drinking shots inside" I turned to look inside and her and the other girls were still drinking

I'm not going to ruin their night because I ran into Lucas

"Well I'm walking them because there is nooo way I'm letting you take me home" I started to walk away and I think I got pretty far but then I tripped and fell down face first "shit! "I yelled

Lucas came over and picked me up "Will you let me help you now?" he asked softly

"Only because Riley isn't here" I let him help me to his truck and I let him drive me home, I cut my hands and grazed my knees when I fell so it would be hard to walk

- - - -

We drove past the campus so I started to get confused "where are you taking me Ranger Rick?" I said slurring my words slightly

"I'm taking you to mine, because you just told me you left your bag and keys with Riley, how drunk are you" I rolled my eyes

"I am not drunk" I said pointing at him

"Sure you're not" He said sarcastically keeping his eyes on the road

We pulled up to a little farm house that I didn't recognise "this isn't your family ranch"

"No it's not, this is my place" he helped me inside and then onto his bed

"Here you can sleep in this" he gave me one of his T-shirts

"Look away" I demanded, Lucas left the room so I started to take off my dress and I put the shirt over me it was nice, oversized and it smelt like him

When he came back he had some wipes, water and some plasters, I sat up on the bed he sat next to me and lifted my legs over his, he started to wipe the cuts and put plasters over them

Once he had done I lay down in his bed and put the covers over myself, I turned over to see Lucas leaving "where are you going?" I asked sleepily

"The couch I need to sleep as well" he half smiled, probably feeling uncomfortable too

"Well you have a double bed just sleep next to me but if you try anything I will kick you out" he walked back into the room closing the door and taking off his shirt, he got under the covers next to me and put his arm around me

"What did I just say" I reminded him but I didn't sound very threatening because deep down I don't want him to move even though it would be best

"Mmm" he pretended to sleep

Fine I thought with my drunk brain. It's just hot, shirtless Lucas lying next to me, no big deal this doesn't make getting over him even harder. I ended up drifting to sleep so my thoughts just faded away

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