Chapter 2 - Unneeded Attention

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A/N: I'm sorry first chapter was short, but this one'll be longer, don't worry.

I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm clock, surprise surprise. School starts today and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I mean we all know what happens to the new girl, I'm really hoping this school isn't full of the stereotypical cliche shit. I tried to get up but something was holding me down, what? haha no it wasn't a boy, calm your shit, *wink* *wink* I was tangled between the sheets, ehhh hate when that happens. I tried getting up again but that resulted me to being on the floor still tangled between the sheets. "Awwwwwchee" I cried. "MASSOOONN" "JAAASSONNN" I screamed hoping one of them would come here to help me up. They stormed in my room both having worried expretions on their faces. "Emma what happened? I thought someone died!" Mason scowled getting out of his panick state. Jason, however caught on to what happened and started laughing his ass off. "UGGHH, Stop laughing and help me up you dipshit." Jason continued laughing, and Mason came to help me up, snickering. "Mason's the better twin here" I glared at Jason. He stopped laughing and feigned hurt. "That cut me deep Ems" He said wiping away a fake tear. I pulled open my bathroom door and heard Mason say laughing "Don't get tangled in your clothes hun." "I TAKE THAT BACK, NONE OF YOU ARE THE BEST TWIN YOUR ALL WORSE THEAN EACH OTHER." I shouted once I closed the bathroom door.

I washed my face, took a shower, shaved, brushed my teeth, you know all the stuff normal people do in the bathroom, although I don't consider myself normal. I got out of the bathroom in my fluffy white towel, I opened my walk in closet. Ohhh I forgot to mention that I had a walk in closet, cool! I know. I wanted to wear something nice but casual for good first time imperssions, blah blah blah. I know your wondering what happened to yesterday's sad and broken girl. Well I won't let something like that ruin my life I'm gonne be the crazy, stupid me. I looked around trying to find the perfect outfit, since i didn't organize my closet I have no freakin' clue where anything is.

I finally found an outfit, after hours and hours of searching, when it was actually only five minutes, I found clothes. Yayy. I wore dark ripped jean shorts and a grey sachi halter top, with my grey and black vans. (A/N: Emmalyn's outfite on the side>>) I ran down the stairs since we only had 5 minutes left till school, wohoo, please note my sarcasm. I went inside the kitchen to find my mother sipping coffe and on her daily newspaper, and my twin brothers eating cereal. I grabbed an apple and sat down. "Hey lazy bum, nice of you to finally join us." Mason said grinning. I stuck my tongue out at him "Well I'm a girl I take time, deal with it." I said while my mouth was full, typical me. "Eww eat while your mouth is closed Emma." scolded Jason. I rolled my eyes and got up to get my backpack. "Emma your car's here." Mom said smiling. "OHH MYY GAAHHH YAAAYY" I ran outside, the twins hot on my tale. I found my baby, red lamborghini. I ran to her and kissed Sasha, what I named my car deal with it. Okay i seriously sound like a boy, ehh who cares. I jumped up and down excited to ride her I haven't used her in a month since i was in no state to drive. I turned to find my brothers chuckling about my behavior. "Do you wanna ride with us or...?" Jason asked. "What kind of question is that?! Obviously I want to ride my baby, haven't had alone time with her in a while." "Okay then follow us." Mason said. The twins fought on who would drive, hehe see I have my own baby while they have to share. They finally decided on Jason driving since Mason drove yesterday. I got in my car and we drove off, to hell.

Once we were on school grounds, all eyes were on our cars, some in awe and curious eyes. Okay they must think were some rich snobs, I mean come on two very expensive cars, okay you get my point. Jason parked their Porsche and I parked next to them. We got out our cars, Imagine Jason and Mason getting out like Zac Efron from 17 again hehe, and all eyes were on us, some girls even signed dreamily from the twins' action. Okay the attention is unneeded here, shoo people. I walked to Jason and Mason and stood between them. Boys walked to our cars and started taking pictures, we ignored them I mean they're only pictures. We walked inside the school, people were still looking at us, like mind your own buisness bitches. Many, and I mean, many girls were practically drooling over Jas and Mas and some boys were giving me wolf whistles which earned them a glare from both twins. The twins might be annoying and stuff but they're extremely protective.

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