Chapter 10 - A friend from the past

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"So...?" James asked impatiently, sitting on my bed. "Well you s-see I haven't b-been honest" I said shyly. Ellie sat up from her laying down position and sighed. "Come on, tell us" She said impatiently. I sighed defeated and looked up at them. "Okay, okay fine." I started. "Well um I kinda like Tristan" I said looking down. Ellie squealed and James grinned widely. "How long have you liked him?" James asked smirking. "I-I've liked him for a while now, b-but what happened t-today confirmed my feelings." "Emalynn" They both hissed. "What happened?" James asked.. "Umm i might have k-kissed him?" I stated, more like asked. Their jaws dropped open and they stared at me with wide eyes. They both then broke of to squeals.

We spent about a whole hour talking about my so called love for Tristan. I got a lot of 'I told you so' or 'I knew so' from both but i just rolled my eyes and suck my tongue out at them, childishly. We got interrupted by loud music playing from next door.Tristan. "Let;s crash the party girlies." James said smirking. i hopped on his back and we went to Tristan's house. "We're here boys" I screamed as we entered. "We're crashing the party" James shouted after me. "We're up here." Mark said from upstairs. "Coming" I called out. James and Ellie practically ran up the stairs, me still on James's back. They opened Tristan's room which was the source of where the music was coming from.

"Hey boys" I waved at the 4 boys spread around the room listening to music; Jack, Mark, Austin and Tristan. James set me down on my feet and just then I felt the pain shooting through my stomach. Have I forgotten to mention I got my period today? Well yup, I did and its killing me. I slowly dragged my feet in the room and laid down dramatically on the carpet, on my stomach. "what's up with her?" Jack asked. "Period." I heard Ellie mumble. I heard them chuckle once again. I then felt strong arms wrap around me and lift me up. Tristan. He set me down on the bed and leaned in to whisper gently in my ear. "Hey you okay? need anything?" "A massage would be nice" I said out loud which caused everyone including him to laugh. To my surprise Tristan laid down next to spreading his legs so that his back was leaning on the headboard. He then easily picked me up and placed me between his legs my back was now resting against his chest. He started massaging my stomach slowly, his hands moving in circles the pain became less and I enjoyed the feeling. I have to admit it felt pretty good not just the massage but being in his embrace. I rested my head back on his chest and closed my eyes not before hearing an 'aww' from Ellie, causing my cheeks to heat up. I snuggled more into him, ennjoying his comfort and warmth.


The weekend passed by in a blur and here I was sitting in my army jacket, in the basketball court. Today was the US army day, all students were suppose to wear army clothes, so i decided on the army jacket i have. We all sat there bored listening to the principle talk and talk about the army, he also said he has a surprise for us in the end, well not exactly us but someone in particular, in the end. "I would like to call out one of the best soldiers who was fighting in Afghanistan, Blake Harden." The principle introduced grinning. My heart literally stopped when he said the name of the soldier. Blake Harden, My Blake Harden. I got up from my chair tears in my eyes as Blake entered the Basketball court, looking directly at me.

"Blake I screamed running to him, as fast as my feet can take me. He picked me up and span me around. I wrapped my leg around his torso and squeezed the dear life out of him. I was crying by now, I just missed him so so so much. i pulled away and he set me down. "Blake, you freakin idiot, I was worried sick about you, you stopped mailing us anymore, i thought you died-" I was cut of when he smashed his lips on mine. "Shut up" he mumbled chuckling after pulling away. We heard the crowd cheer and whistle. I instantly turned red, Bake chuckled and pulled me in for another hug.

To clear things up me and Blake WEREN'T dating. He's my bestest best friend, well gay best friend, we're been friends since we were in diapers. Why he kissed me? Well you see Blake had this thing where he'd kiss me eveytime I started rambling to cut me off. I was used to it by now I guess. Worst part was it was like kissing your brother, ew.

We pulled away from the hug and I hit his chest. "Don't kiss me" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at me. Just then Mason and Jason joined us and hugged him. The twins were also pretty close to Blake, not as close as I am, but pretty close. I looked up at the crowd and my eyes found a fuming Tristan. Tristan walked up to us and he looked pissed. "What the hell Emma?" He growled angrily. I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me of. "Screw you" He said angrily, i was taken back by his words that I didn't say anything back. "Screw you too." He said looking at Blake. "You know what screw each other." He laughed humorously before storming out of the court. Tears prickled my eyes, but I refuse to cry over a boy, I don't believe in that shit. "Forget about him." Blake said hugging me. I nodded and put on a smile. "Now come on guys your principle said you could ditch and come with me" he said enthusiastically. We laughed and followed him out the school. I was really really excited to spend time with Blake but at the back of my mind I was worried about something, Tristan.

Tristan's POV

I was pissed, I couldn't even think straight. I have to admit I was jealous, really really jealous. She kissed me yesterday, SHE kissed ME, well it was for distraction but still. She had a fucking boyfriend.

I parked my car in an abandoned playground and got out for air. Thank god i didn't admit I liked her that would've made things awkward and i would've lost her as a friend. As they say a friend is better than nothing. Shit, shit, shit. "UGGHHH" I groaned loudly. No friend tells the other 'screw you' as I said. I've lost her. God I'm so stupid. I'll make it up to her. But how the fuck am I suppose to do that. I was never good at these things. I never cared about someone, this was different. I had no clue what to do at this point I was clueless.

My pone beeped and I received a text. 'Party tomorrow you up? take your mind outa things' Austin texted me. A party wouldn't harm me would it. I mean I could actually get my mind out of all this mess. I ignored the nagging feeling telling me not to go and i texted Austin back saying i was up for it. I really hope I made a good decision.


A/N: Short chapter we know, Promise the next one will be longer and better. We have formatives that's why we wrote this in a hurry -_- We'll put up a picture of Blake in the next chapter.

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